President Iván Duque followed from San Andrés the reading of the ruling on the dispute with Nicaragua

The Colombian president was accompanied by Vice President and Foreign Minister Marta Lucía Ramírez, and Defense Minister Diego Molano


The president of the republic, Iván Duque, assured that they were working together for the country, following the reading of the ruling of the International Court of Justice, based in The Hague (Netherlands), which was held on Thursday morning, and that he was not in favor of Colombia regarding Nicaragua's claim that they violated its sovereignty in the portions of the sea granted to him from that same court in 201.

“We are in the historical and indivisible archipelago of San Andrés. We heard the ruling on the border dispute with Nicaragua,” he said in the publication, along with a photograph in which he is accompanied by Vice President and Foreign Minister Marta Lucía Ramírez, and Defense Minister Diego Molano

He added that this was a national cause in which political distinctions do not prevail: “We reiterate that in the defense of our country's interests there are no political or partisan colors, here we are all Colombia.”

This is the president's first reaction to the decision of the international tribunal in which they concluded that there was a violation of Nicaraguan sovereignty in that portion of waters in the Caribbean by the Colombian State, although with some mitigating factors regarding the Central American country's claims.

Among them, it was noted that the Colombian Navy had not been found to have violated Nicaragua's rights, although they did point out that there was a violation of the sovereignty of the Central American country in its maritime zone.

In addition, Daniel Ortega's regime was not granted the intention of establishing a linear limit to establish its territorial area because Colombia would be prevented from exercising its right of navigation and overflight.

However, the International Court urged that there be a negotiation to allow raizal fishermen to have access to the Nicaraguan area.

Although on this subject they indicated that there was insufficient documentation to consider that it was an ancestral activity as argued from Colombia, and that it has not been possible to verify that this community has been excluded for fishing in the maritime zone.

The president has been in the archipelago since Tuesday precisely to follow the reading of the ruling and is expected that in the course of Thursday morning he will have a new, more detailed pronouncement on the decisions and legal actions of the Colombian State regarding this dispute.

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