Paul Stanley spoke about his condition after emergency hospitalization

The driver alarmed his social media followers with a photograph from a hospital stretcher

After Paul Stanley was absent from Hoy and alarmed his social media followers with a photograph from a hospital stretcher, he reappeared on the cameras of Televisa's morning morning to give some details about his state of health. With a better face, the TV presenter explained that he was detected a low level in his platelets, so he will remain at rest for the next few hours.

During the broadcast on Thursday, April 21, the production of Hoy communicated with Paul Stanley via video call so that, in his first voice, he would tell what happened to him. Between jokes and good wishes from his colleagues, the driver said that it all started after he showed up at the hospital to undergo a routine check-up and the results were not favorable.

“They detected that I have low platelets, I have 95,000 and then I came out with 85,000, so the doctors were worried (...) then they didn't let me out, they told me that they were very worried about where that low platelet was coming from and so here I am,” he said.

El actor cómico preocupó a sus seguidores y no especificó el motivo que lo llevó a la sala de hospital (Foto: Instagram)

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