Optional use of masks in Peru will be applied from May 1, confirmed Minsa

Director of Public Health Surveillance of the Ministry of Health said that the norm will only come into effect in 10 days and not from tomorrow as announced by the president of the Council of Ministers.


César Munayco, executive director of Public Health Surveillance at the National Center for Epidemiology, Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), confirmed that only since May 1 the rule for the optional use of masks in open environments will come into force and not from today or tomorrow as announced by Prime Minister Aníbal Torres.

Munayco said that this regulation will only apply in areas and regions that have reached more than 80% of its population vaccinated with the three doses in people over 60 years of age and with a second dose in those over 12 years of age.

“These measures will be implemented on the first day of the following month. But we have to wait for the Supreme Decree to come out to make it official. It depends on the Decree if it has extended the health emergency, we must wait for it to take effect,” he told RPP Noticias in a dialogue.

Along these lines, he recalled that there is currently a decree in force that expires at the end of the month. “So that has to be taken into account based on this issue. From the first day of May, the use of masks will be optional. Now this current decree has to end in order to implement certain measures,” he said.

He added that the regions that meet these criteria for the removal of husks are Ica, Callao, Metropolitan Lima, Lima Provincias and Áncash.

“The third wave is over, we have very low numbers in new cases and hospitalized patients. In addition, the progress with second and third doses is progressive and that ensures that there are no problems later on. We're still monitoring,” he said.



Supreme Decree No. 030-2022-PCM in force since April 1 of this year has several restrictions:

- Mandatory use of a KN95 mask, or failing that a three-fold surgical mask and on top of it a community mask (fabric), to circulate on public roads and in closed places.

- Peruvians, foreigners and non-resident foreigners over the age of 12 must prove that they have received the first and second doses of vaccination against COVID-19 in Peru or abroad, and the third dose must be demonstrated by those over 18 years of age who reside in the country and are qualified to receive it, according to the current protocol. Also for workers in public and private institutions.

- For passengers on air and ground flights, residents and non-residents over 12 years of age can only board if the first and second doses of vaccination against COVID-19 have been applied in Peru or abroad, and the third dose can only be boarded by those over 18 years of age who reside in the country and are qualified to receive it, according to current protocol.

- Residents over the age of 18 who enter closed spaces must present their physical or virtual card proving that they have received, in Peru and/or abroad, the three (3) doses of vaccination against COVID-19.

- When the vaccination card is presented for verification, it must be done with your Official Identity Document

Finally, for admission to the coliseums and sports stadiums, those over 12 years old must present their physical or virtual card proving that they have received, in Peru and/or abroad, the first and second doses of vaccination against COVID-19, with the third dose being additionally required for those over 18 years old. In all cases, the permanent use of a KN95 mask is mandatory, or failing that a three-fold surgical mask and on top of it a community mask (fabric).”