Minister Yasmin Esquivel halted delivery of Pío López Obrador's file for human rights

The INE will not yet be able to access the investigation against Pío Lorenzo López Obrador because of the video in which he appeared receiving money




Yasmín Esquivel, Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), granted the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) the suspension which prevents the delivery of the file with the investigation of Pío López Obrador to the electoral authorities, on the grounds of a possible violation of his human rights of the protection of personal data.

This suspension granted by Minister Esquivel will continue until the Supreme Court Plenum resolves the matter in substance, so that the National Electoral Institute (INE) will not yet be able to access the investigation against Pío Lorenzo López Obrador for his alleged responsibility for the crime of illicit financing.

Minister Esquivel stated in her agreement: “If the precautionary measure was not granted in the terms and for the purposes specified, irreversible damage would be caused, because if the requested documentation were granted, it would be impossible to return things to the state in which they were found, thereby allowing their effects to be irreparably consumed.”

Pío Lorenzo López Obrador is being investigated for his alleged responsibility in the crime of illicit financing after a video was broadcast showing him receiving a yellow envelope with cash from David León, a former collaborator of Manuel Velasco, former governor of Chiapas.

Sesión del Tribunal Electoral (Foto: TEPJF)
Sesión del Tribunal Electoral (Foto: TEPJF)

The Electoral Tribunal of the Federation Judiciary (TEPJF) ordered the INE to carry out the investigation, so the latter requested a copy of the file on several occasions, but the Office of the Specialized Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes (FEDE) has refused on the grounds of “ministerial secrecy”.

Senator Lilly Tellez accused Minister Yasmín Esquivel Mossa of obstruction of justice for granting the stay for the Prosecutor's Office General of the Republic (FGR) on the case of Pío López Obrador.

Through her official Twitter account, the now panista indicated that the act carried out by the minister should be identified as an act of “obstruction of justice”, and she stressed that it must be condemnable for a person dedicated to justice to act, allegedly, at the request of the head of the FGR, Alejandro Gertz Manero.

In addition, he elaborated on his remarks and ruled that such an act responded to wanting to “hide” the alleged acts of illegality that have taken place in the environment of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), so he called them a “ball of leperos”.

“This is obstruction of justice. It is incredible and condemnable that such conduct comes from a Minister of the Court at the request of the Attorney General of the Republic! And all to hide the corruption of the environment closest to the president. Ball of leperos”, he wrote this Wednesday, April 20.

Pío Lorenzo y Andrés Manuel López Obrador (FOTO: Archivo)
Pío Lorenzo y Andrés Manuel López Obrador (FOTO: Archivo)

In August 2015, the National Action (PAN) and Democratic Revolution (PRD) parties filed a complaint with the INE about the alleged illegal financing of Morena and pointed to the video recorded in 2015 in which the brother of the current president of the Republic receives a large amount of cash as a means of proof.

On this fact, Andrés Manuel López Obrador acknowledged that they were contributions to his social movement and denied that these would be undue resources.

On December 22, 2021, the TEPJF Superior Chamber ordered the FEDE to hand over to the electoral body documentation related to various research kits under its responsibility, since according to the organization, such information is necessary for the INE to carry out processes of oversight of political party expenditures.


