“It's a revenge”: Felipe Calderón's recommendation to AMLO in the face of attacks on the opposition

The former president assured that the actions taken by AMLO and his party are demonstrations of revenge and intolerance

The former president, Felipe Calderónb Hinojosa, once again spoke out on the attacks that opponents have received from the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and its allies.

Since the setback they gave to the Electric Reform, members of the opposition have been branded as “traitors to the homeland” and “sell homelands”, with the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), one of the first to beat the deputies who voted against his energy initiative.

Faced with this, Calderón Hinojosa said that these acts are a vengeance of the Chief Executive and his bloc, who - for the most part - have not hesitated to “show the detractors”, especially on the eve of the upcoming elections on June 5.

In this way, the former president called on López Obrador to adopt a more tolerant and respectful attitude to ideologies that do not match his own:

(Foto: captura de pantalla)

Despite the fact that Tabasqueño has spoken out respectful of democracy, as well as guaranteeing ideological freedoms - especially within politics - the reality is that he would have already anticipated this wave of attacks against opponents.

And, it should be recalled, Andrés Manuel had hinted on occasions prior to the Electric Reform Session that whoever went against his energy initiative would be betraying the nation for “prioritizing the private over the state.”

Do not be traitors to the country. Have the arrogance to feel free,” he urged on his morning of April 5, amid a series of “flirtations” he launched to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) to count on its support in the Chamber of Deputies.

However, the entertaining and inviting speech turned into hostility after the party led by Alejandro Alito Moreno endorsed the position of the Va por México alliance against the project; this, regretting that the tricolor was “has become a palerob of National Action (PAN)”.

(Foto: REUTERS / Henry Romero)REUTERS

However, the conversation became even more tense after Mario Delgado, Morena's national leader, and Citlalli Hernández announced that “they would take action in the issue” against those who voted against the bill.

According to the Juntos Haremos Historia bloc, the rejection of the reforms would have cancelled much of the market opening in energy generation carried out by former president Enrique Peña Nieto in 2013. This is how both Morenoists embarked on a bulletin to the detractor legislators.

“Inform the people what the legislators did 'sell homelands' so that on June 5 people will also consider that when voting,” said Delgado Carrillo.

“To report what the opposition parties voted against; to report with face, surname, face and party in each district that the deputies who should have represented that sector of the population betrayed the homeland,” said Hernández.