Is it sponge cake or biscocho? Find out what the RAE says

Even if you think the answer is obvious, the pronouncement of the Royal Spanish Academy will surprise you.


Desserts are one of the most consumed culinary delights in the world and it is almost impossible to resist these appetizers. However, on this everyday subject there is a question and it is the sponge cake, how is this word really written? Is it sponge cake or biscocho?

To know the correct answer, it is necessary to consult with the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), which is a private cultural institution of Spanish origin and which has the support of 23 academies of the Language, which are part of the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language (ASALE). So we can say, that this is the ideal place to inquire about meanings, spelling and corrections regarding writing.

It must be made clear that in recent times, the SAR has been very active on social networks, answering doubts and queries from people, not only in terms of words, but also in terms of jargon or scriptures of each country or city. This has undoubtedly generated various controversies among Internet users, but let us remember that it is the highest spelling institution in the world and the inclusion of regional words or phrases within the national vocabulary can mean an advance on the subject of cultural identity.


If you are wondering what is the correct way to write this word, we are going to tell you that the answer from the RAE might surprise you, since according to what they indicate the correct way to write it has fallen in terms of its use.

The correct way that has always ruled is “biscocho”, and it has been replaced by the “biscocho” variant, which is widely used today. In the case of the former, it is the closest to etymology (from “bis-” 'dos' and the Latin 'coctus' cooked '),


So we already know that the correct way is to write it with the letter “s” and this can be evidenced even by doing a quick search on the internet, since the first option that any search engine returns is “biscuit” (with “z”).

But why is this word written with “s”? According to its etymology, biscocho comes from “bis” which means “two”, and from the Latin “coctus” which translates as stewed, so there is talk of a bread “cooked twice”, a voice used in the 13th century to refer to this dessert, which also derives the word “biscuit”, which from English to Spanish translates as “biscuit” or “biscuit”.

If you still have doubts about how to write this word, the correct way is still “biscuit”, because the RAE has come out to admit it and endorse it, although if you write it with “s” you already know that you have a good reason to do it because it is the original word.



Based on what the RAE says, we know that the meaning is “soft and fluffy sweet, usually made with flour, eggs and sugar, which is baked in the oven.”


Now that we know a little more about the real name, it's time to get to know a rich recipe that you can prepare at any time.


2 1/2 cups of unprepared flour (350 grams)

1 teaspoon baking soda (5 grams)

2 teaspoons baking powder (10 grams)

220 grams of butter at room temperature

2 cups white sugar (420 grams)

4 eggs at room temperature

1 teaspoon vanilla essence (5 milliliters)

1 cup of fresh milk (250 milliliters) or you can replace it with 1 cup of natural yogurt at room temperature.

1 tablespoonful of red vinegar (15 milliliters)

1/4 cup of cocoa (25 grams)

4 tablespoons of hot water (60 milliliters), to dilute the cocoa

Butter for the mold

Unprepared flour for the mold

26 cm diameter mould with hole in the middle


Preheat oven to 180°C.

Prepare the mold: butter and then flour, covering base and walls. Book now.

Sift the dry ingredients: flour, baking soda and baking powder. Preferably, sift them three to five times. Book now.

Place the butter and white sugar in a bowl. Beat for 5 minutes, until creamed. Add the eggs, one by one, beating well after each addition.

Add the vanilla. Continue beating.

Incorporate the sifted dry ingredients interspersed with the fresh milk previously mixed with the vinegar. Start and finish with the dry ingredients. Beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Separate part of the dough (half) and add the cocoa previously dissolved in the hot water. Mix enveloping with a spatula until you get a chocolate mass.

Place the white dough in the prepared mold by sandwiching it with the chocolate mass. At the end, “marble” with a knife; that is, introduce a knife and mix the masses by making wavy movements.

Place in the preheated oven for an hour or until, when inserting a toothpick, it comes out clean. Unmold and serve.