“If they served the country, let them congratulate them”: Fernández Noroña defended campaign against opposition

The deputy of the PT recalled that at the end of the vote on the presidential project, the opposition celebrated “as if they had won a football world cup”, but now that they are showing them for their “triumph” they are upset

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 16NOVIEMBRE2021.- Diputados de Morena, Nueva Alianza, PT y PVEM se reunieron con el Jefe del Ejecutivo, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, en Palacio Nacional ahí los reconoció por la aprobación del Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación (PEF 2022) en la Cámara de Diputados.
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 16NOVIEMBRE2021.- Diputados de Morena, Nueva Alianza, PT y PVEM se reunieron con el Jefe del Ejecutivo, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, en Palacio Nacional ahí los reconoció por la aprobación del Presupuesto de Egresos de la Federación (PEF 2022) en la Cámara de Diputados. FOTO: MOISÉS PABLO/CUARTOSCURO.COM

The controversial deputy of the Labour Party (PT), Gerardo Fernández Noroña, lashed out against opposition deputies who rejected President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's (AMLO) Electric Reform.

Through his official Twitter account, the loyal ally of Morencia Regeneración Nacional (Morena) questioned the inconvenience of the legislators of the Va por México coalition - made up of the Acción Nacional (PAN), the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and Institutional Revolutionary (PRI) parties - of being called “traitors to the homeland”.

In the message, the petista recalled that at the end of the vote on the presidential project and when the initiative did not pass, the opposition celebrated “as if they had won a football world cup”, but now that they exhibit them for their “triumph” they get upset.


It should be noted that this was not the only comment made by the AMLO supporter against the legislators who did not vote in favor of Morena's initiative, since on 20 April, Noroña described them as classists, racists and traitors to the people.

In a brief description he made on his social network, he added that the deputies of Va por Mexico are “promoters of the national and foreign oligarchy, looters, homophobes and misogynists” who hide themselves on the grounds that they “think differently.”

In another message, the petista questioned the opposition for bothering the dissemination of his photograph, name and party of those who voted against the project.


Shortly after the Electricity Reform did not get enough votes to pass, the national leader of the cherry party, Mario Delgado Carrillo, announced that will install clotheslines with photographs and names of “traitors to the country” in public squares of the country.

We want people to see the faces, the faces of traitors, so that we never forget who turned their backs on the people, who turned their backs on our children, who turned their backs on our grandchildren, who dishonored so many centuries of history that we have as a nation, which we have as a homeland,” he said.


According to the Morenista, legislators who want to hand over control of sectors such as energy to transnationals “clearly” represent what a traitor to the country is, so they should be called according to their loyalty.

“Loyalty to the country is indispensable. Our hymn says it: 'but dare a strange enemy, a soldier in each son gave you'. Our life as a sovereign nation depends on the control of sectors such as energy. Giving it to foreigners is not thinking differently, it is TREASON,” said the leader of the cherry party in a statement.

Finally, Mario Delgado stressed that Mexico is a democratic country of freedoms, in which the right to think differently is respected, however, he pointed out that “acting against the homeland is called treason and this was warned by President Adolfo López Mateos in 1960″, when nationalizing the electricity industry.

