Google: Chankillo, the Peruvian solar observatory can be visited virtually

Peru on the map! Now you can learn more about the oldest Solar Observatory in America from the comfort of your home.




The largest internet company, Google, through its Arts & Culture application, announced the launch and enabling of a virtual visit through its platforms to Chankillo, the oldest solar observatory in the Americas, located in Casma, Peru.

The announcement was made on the International Day of Monuments and Sites, bringing joy to Peruvians, due to the dissemination of one of the 13 World Heritage Sites by UNESCO that are located within Peru.


Unesco's recognition was given in 2021, and it is due to the cultural value of this place. The partnership between the Google app and the Center for Cultural Heritage of the United States Department of State brings together sites of great historical importance and the observatory stood out for this. It was the U.S. Embassy in Peru that reported on Facebook that Peru is part of the more than 1,000 projects of the United States Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) that were highlighted in Google Arts & Culture.

It should be emphasized that in 2016 the Peruvian solar observatory obtained the Ambassador's Fund, during the year in question.



Various Cultural Heritage Sites and recognized destinations can be found on the Google platform so that people can take a virtual tour and not only observe them, but also learn more about them and understand the importance of their protection and preservation.

On the Google Arts & Culture page we can see that the route is divided into three sectors and they are the following:

Sector 1: This is marked by the Fortified Temple, an oval-shaped building that faces the dawn of the winter solstice.

Sector 2: it is observed that its composition corresponds to a ceremonial area with Thirteen Towers or elevated buildings, spaced every 5 meters apart.

Sector 3: In this part we see that it was a public area composed of a square surrounded by buildings.

It is important to note that so far the content found within the aforementioned platform is only in English.

FACT: In 2010 the World Monuments Foundation added Chankillo to the World Monuments Watch list in order to raise awareness about the place.

Fotografía cedida por el Ministerio de Cultura de Perú que muestra el observatorio solar y centro ceremonial de Chankillo. EFE/ Ministerio de Cultura
Fotografía cedida por el Ministerio de Cultura de Perú que muestra el observatorio solar y centro ceremonial de Chankillo. EFE/ Ministerio de Cultura EFE/Ministerio de Cultura


Chankillo was built as a complex of fortified temples more than 2,300 years ago in the coastal desert of Peru, very close to the Casma-Sechín river basin. Since the 19th century, it was thought that Chankillo had been built as a defense site against possible attacks, however, the reality was different and archaeologists and historians would be surprised to discover it.

According to recent research, it is known that Chankillo was an old observatory and temple, and its creation would have occurred during the years 500 and 200 BC, according to some historical records. This would show that it is the oldest astronomical observatory on the American continent. They are around 2400 years old.

The construction was made of stone and clay and in addition to observing solar movement, time can also be measured.

Few places possess this type of attribute. Chankillo is one of only two known sites in the archaic world that have a complete solar horizon calendar.

If you want to do the virtual tour CLICK HERE.

Suggested video:

You can now visit Chankillo, America's oldest Solar Observatory from home. Screenshot: TikTok Brand Peru.


