Don't forget: this April 21 will begin to govern the male barbecue restriction in Bogotá

The measure will apply on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 7:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m., according to Decree 119 of 2022

Motociclistas participan en una protesta durante un paro nacional, en medio del brote de la enfermedad del coronavirus (COVID-19), en Bogotá, Colombia, el 7 de septiembre de 2020. REUTERS/Luisa Gonzalez
Motociclistas participan en una protesta durante un paro nacional, en medio del brote de la enfermedad del coronavirus (COVID-19), en Bogotá, Colombia, el 7 de septiembre de 2020. REUTERS/Luisa Gonzalez

The Mayor's Office of Bogotá recalled that this Thursday, April 21, the restriction on the movement of motorcyclists with male companions begins. This measure is part of the regulations established by the district to strengthen security in Bogotá and will apply on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 7:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.

The restriction excludes law enforcement, relief and health agencies; private security personnel; transportation of persons with disabilities, insurers and chosen driver. The Ministry of Security also recalled that failure to comply with the measure leads to a fine close to the average minimum wage and immobilization of the motorcycle.

It is important to remember that the measure was originally contemplated for all types of barbecue, regardless of gender; however, the motorcycle guild disagreed with the decision of the mayor's office and held a mass demonstration for three days in a row.

The situation generated a dialogue between Mayor Claudia López and motorcyclists. There it was agreed that the restriction would only be for the male escort, since the measure could affect women at these times because “they are usually the main companions”, explained the local president at that time.

It should be remembered that the restriction will be effective until June 30, 2022. It was also established in Decree 119 of 2022 that these measures will be evaluated jointly between the district administration and the National Police, within two months of their issuance, in order to verify their effectiveness and continuity.

Identification on helmets

The identification measure began to be effective last Monday, April 18. According to the decree, both drivers and their companions must wear a badge with the vehicle license plate on the outer back of the helmet.

This must be a decal or print on a dark background and white font; without any element or design that impedes or obstructs its visibility, the letters and numbers must be reflective, arial-type, whose size will be 3.5 centimeters high and a line width of 1 centimeter.

The Secretary of Security, Aníbal Fernández, explained that the idea of the decal will be that it is not confused with the design of the helmet, so a reflective border that differentiates the space from other colors is recommended. With this system, security cameras will be able to identify motorcycles more easily.

Motorcycle riders will have the option, if they consider it appropriate, but only additional to that of the helmet, to wear the identification on the vest or clothing, with the same characteristics whose size shall be at least nine (9) centimetres high by (4) four centimetres wide for each letter or number.

Those who fail to comply with these rules may be punished, in accordance with paragraph C.24 of Law 1383 of 2010, by a fine equivalent to fifteen (15) statutory minimum daily wages in force (SMLDV) for the driver and/or owner of a motor vehicle who commits to riding a motorcycle without observing the established regulations. That is, about 500,000 pesos.

Commercial establishments and parks

On the other hand, motorcyclists are not the only ones who have restrictions in the face of increasing insecurity in Bogotá. On April 11, measures that limit gatherings in parks and the sale and consumption of intoxicating drinks began to take effect.

Limitations on parks, environmental corridors and urban squares apply from 10:00 at night until 4:00 in the morning of the next day. During this period of time, the permanence and concentration of people is prohibited. It also prohibits the consumption of intoxicating drinks to “ensure peaceful coexistence, tranquility and safety conditions for the inhabitants of the city”, the decree reads.

In the case of commercial establishments that sell alcoholic beverages, they may carry out their economic activity from 10:00 in the morning until 5:00 in the morning of the following day, “provided that the establishment is linked to a local security front”. If this is not the case, the schedule will be from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 in the morning of the following day.

