Coyoacán Mayor's Office: how to get free toys for Children's Day

Apoyos Economicos Mexico together with the Coyoacán mayor's office launched the Program Celebrating Children, Coyoacán Contigo 2022 in which they intend to deliver 8,750 toys for boys and girls




Apoyos Economicos Mexico together with the Coyoacán mayor's office launched the Program Celebrating Children, Coyoacán Contigo 2022, in which they intend to deliver 8,750 toys to children residing in the delegation as a gift for Children's Day.

The fiscal year has a budget of 6 million pesos, although of that money an amount was allocated to grant 8,750 toys on Three Kings Day. The average value of each toy will be 565 pesos and these will be delivered only to children between 0 and 12 years of age. Coyoacán has 96 colonies, 7 villages and 7 original neighborhoods, so it is necessary to check the exact location of the place.

Hay algunos requisitos que deben cumplirse para obtener los juguetes FOTO: CUARTOSCURO
Hay algunos requisitos que deben cumplirse para obtener los juguetes FOTO: CUARTOSCUROGalo Cañas | Galo Cañas

The requirements to access the Celebrating Childhood Program, Coyoacán Contigo 2022 are:

-The parent or guardian must present themselves in the correct place, time and form with a copy of their valid Official Identification, be it INE, Professional ID, Passport or Driver's License.

-Bring proof of address in which the expedition does not exceed six months, can be electricity, water, gas, property and more.

-Finally, the CURP of the boy or girl must be presented.

-The corresponding documents must be taken to Avenida Pacífico number 18, in Barrio de la Concepción. When delivering them, they must comply with the established requirements.

-You will receive a ticket that must be exchanged for the toy at the Centenario Theater (located at Avenida Centenario number 159 in the Del Carmen Coyoacán neighborhood) and the dates to make the change are April 21 at 6 pm, April 30 at 1:30pm and May 1 at 1:30pm.

Se deberá cambiar un boleto por un juguete FOTO: CUARTOSCURO
Se deberá cambiar un boleto por un juguete FOTO: CUARTOSCUROMoisés Pablo | Moisés Pablo

The main objective of this program is to contribute to the integral development of children and adolescents, promoting their rights to rest and leisure, to play and recreational activities appropriate to their age, as well as to respect the exercise of the rights of girls, boys and families.

Because of the budget we have, the scope of this social benefit will not be universal, but specific, that is, it will only be for children and children in this delegation. The delivery of the toys will take place until all are sold out.

Recently, the Coyoacán mayor's office launched a call for the delivery of school supplies to children and adolescents in 2022. The list of eligible applicants has already been released and these school items are being submitted since April 6 and ends on April 30.

Foto: Cuartoscuro
Foto: CuartoscuroEnrique Ordoñez | Enrique Ordoñez

It is estimated that 9,996 packs of school supplies will be delivered to students in basic, preschool, primary and secondary education in public schools enrolled in the 2021-2022 school year. The budget is just over 15 million pesos. Each package has a value of my 538 pesos approximately.

People who are interested in participating in this social benefit can still appear at Avenida Pacífico 181 in Barrio la Concepción neighborhood to help deliver the supplies in the last 10 working days.

All upcoming events are shown on the official website On the site you can access procedures such as: opening my business, requesting pruning a tree, reporting water leaks, obtaining my construction license, reporting potholes and more. So far the mayor's office has 25 rescued parks, 1200 renovated lights and 500 covered potholes in the Coyoacán mayor's office.


