Concussion in Ecuador: A baby was killed by hit men sent by her father to kill her mother

The father was a policeman who is in a lawsuit with his former partner over the payment of child support for both of them


A seven-month-old baby was killed in the middle of a chase where two hit men tried to kill her mother. The criminals were hired by the baby's father, an active duty policeman in Ibarra, a city located 112 kilometers from Quito, the capital of Ecuador.

The woman who was with her baby was approached by the two hit men in the El Priorato sector. The thugs beat and wounded her. During the struggle a shot hit the baby, who was in her mother's arms. The bullet entered the little girl's left shoulder and came out of the little girl's right shoulder. When she was taken to a hospital, the baby died.

The inhabitants of this sector were the ones who alerted the ECU911 to violence against the mother and her baby.

Still wounded and with her baby in her arms, the 24-year-old woman declared to the men in uniform: “My daughter's father sent me to kill.” At the same time he informed them that the man was a policeman.

As soon as the members of the police arrived, they began the search for the hit men. The uniformed men used an airpolice helicopter and drones to find the criminals, who had hidden in the vegetation near the Yaguarcocha Lagoon, a lake at least 12,000 years old whose name Kichwa means “Lake of Blood”.

The cops identified the killers by the clothes they were wearing. Photographs taken by witnesses allowed uniformed men to recognize them. The indignation of the inhabitants was so great that they wanted to do justice by their own means, according to the authorities.


The National Director of Operations of the National Police, Fausto Salinas, said that after catching the assassins, they were seized two fired firearms — which were fired, a revolver and a 9 mm caliber pistol. The hit men are of Ecuadorian nationality and one of them already had a criminal record for hitting, robbery and food judgments.

For his part, the national director of the National Directorate for the Investigation of Crimes Against Life, Freddy Sarzosa, reported that a motorized police unit arrested the mastermind of the crime, fellow policeman Luis Andrés L.T., who was trying to escape in a taxi. Sarzosa indicated that the woman was discharged after being treated at the Social Security hospital in Ibarra.

Regarding the motive for the crime, Salinas indicated that Luis Andrés L.T. is presumed to want to kill his former partner because he owed him payments corresponding to his daughter's alimony.

Luis Andrés L.T. had been active duty within the ranks of the National Police for three years. His daughter's mother's claims for the child support money would have been the cause for him to decide to send her to kill her. Salinas said that in this case “the full weight of the law must fall. The National Police shall act with absolute transparency and firmness. Because we cannot allow this type of element to stain an institution.”


The inhabitants of El Priorato organized a protest where they closed roads and burned tires to demand that the authorities speak out on the actions they take to prevent crimes, which are now more recurrent.

Just this week, in Ibarra, a man who was withdrawing money from a bank ATM was killed after receiving several bullet wounds. According to the authorities, this would be a case of common crime. The 52-year-old man was accompanied by a boy, who was crying desperately next to the bloody body of his relative, who according to the information in the case would be his uncle.

