With Payments for Environmental Services Colombia has conserved 260,110 hectares of ecosystems

The Ministry of Environment highlighted that this strategy exceeded by 33% the target established in the 2018-2022 National Development Plan, which envisaged preserving 196,000 hectares


On Tuesday, April 19, the Colombian Ministry of Environment reported that through the strategy 'Payments for Environmental Services', in which communities from their territories participate for the conservation of ecosystems in the country, 260,110 hectares have been conserved throughout the country to date.

The portfolio highlighted that the National Development Plan 2018-2022 'Pact for Colombia, Pact for Equity' had contemplated preserving 196,000 hectares through this strategy, however, eight months after the end of the year, 33% exceeded the goal established in the program with the PES that are economic incentives that recognize the practices linked to the preservation and restoration of ecosystems in the country.

“The fact that we have exceeded the goal earlier than established is an achievement that we must celebrate and a sample of all the work that the Ministry has been carrying out to safeguard our natural heritage. This is a program in which the participation of communities in the territory is essential, for them all gratitude; actions will not stop and our commitment will continue to be even greater”, emphasized the Minister of Environment, Carlos Eduardo Correa.

The portfolio also noted that this program recognizes in money or in kind communities that promote the recovery of existing natural cover, adequate land use and conservation of natural resources, thereby establishing voluntary agreements between the owner, owner or occupant of land located in areas strategies with environmental authorities.

In this regard, the ministry indicated that during 2021, 21 projects were implemented under PSA schemes, which conserved 144,502 hectares and benefiting 3,738 families, which were distributed in ten departments and 22 municipalities, with an increase of 82% compared to the previous year, this strategy has demonstrated its effectiveness to the extent that it links the community to the ecosystems in which they inhabit and make them aware that their wealth is contained in them.

Nine environmental authorities participated in these processes, which were part of this process, including National Natural Parks of Colombia, the District Secretariat of the Environment, Corporations, and the Administrative Department of Environmental Management (Dagma). In addition, projects aimed at the moors were highlighted, taking into account the generation of environmental services they provide, such as the Berlin moor in Santander and the Sumapaz in Cundinamarca.

“Some of the PES were focused on combating deforestation in departments such as Meta, Guaviare, Córdoba, Caquetá and Putumayo; thus contributing to the control and reduction of this problem that affects Colombia's natural wealth; others, in fulfilling the commitments of the Peace Agreements in municipalities in the subregions of Macarena, Guaviare, Putumayo, Southern Cordoba and the Caguán Basin and the Caqueteño Piedemonte, where the Development Programs with a Territorial Focus (PDET) are implemented”, concluded the ministry.

