What is the right way to greet dogs

If you want to greet your pet, and by the way to educate it, know the trick that you should apply and that is viral on TikTok


People who have pets at home know that upon arrival home, after a long period of work, they will find themselves with a great welcome and more if they have a dog. The greeting must be reciprocated, but do you do it the right way? If you still don't know the best way to greet a dog , we'll give you all the details later.

Known as man's best friend, the dog is one of the most affectionate pets that can exist on the face of the Earth and it is almost impossible to resist reciprocating affection with the same intensity as these dan.


More than one person is used to giving effusive greetings to his dog, such as giving him cuddles, hugging him, carrying him, kissing him, smiling at him and in the most affectionate cases, letting the animals lick the face, hands and various parts of the owner. But even if it may not seem, this type of greeting is too invasive for the dog and for the human being, which can mean damage to the pet's behavior.

As we mentioned above, it is almost inevitable not to give in to the effusivity of these creatures, but if the welfare of the pet and its education is prioritized, it is necessary to opt for a type of greeting that is the most ideal and correct, since not only you will show your love, but you will also teach it.

A viral TikTok video shows us the right way. To greet the “man's best friend”, you need to approach him from the side (side) looking at the dog spontaneously and avoiding direct and fixed gaze. The approach must end before touching the space that the animal occupies, crouch as if you were doing a deep squat and look straight ahead, waiting for the pet to approach the place where you are, and caress your neck.

Keep in mind that most dogs do not like to be caressed by the head, but having trust with their owner, it will be left.



The guidelines are almost the same, but there is a big difference, everything must be done more slowly and also hope that the animal has an interest in knowing us, otherwise it is better not to insist because it could interpret it as a sign of invasion into your space and defend it with bites or barks.

If you are a petlover, you should be clear that caressing an animal of this species frontally, with a fixed look in the eyes, kissing or carrying it, means generating stress in most dogs.

Avoid any sudden or rapid movement, as it can be misinterpreted and you will have no choice but to be alert to a possible attack or simply attack first. The slaps on the back are also within the group of “sudden movements”

A big mistake that parents make with their children (and even more so when they are very young) is letting them carry puppies or cuddle adult dogs. This action could end in an attack on the minor, since dogs have different codes from that of human beings.

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If you love your pet, it is ideal to know the right ways to show your affection to him, while educating him. This way you can raise a self-confident dog and avoid any accidents. Video: TikTok


The socialization between pets is very similar to the one mentioned above, but there is a big difference and that is the smell in their private parts.

Dogs need to smell their genitals as part of the presentation process. What we should not allow is for one to put one's paw on top of the other, since this means the desire to dominate and can trigger a fight.