Victor Trujillo shook Claudia Sheinbaum for possible electoral crime: “She will be exhibited as a traitor”

The communicator commented on the possible investigation kits against the head of government for violating the Electoral Law before the revocation of the mandate




“Traitor to the country” has been the favorite phrase of the ruling bloc after the vote on the Electricity Reform promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), which was rejected by the opposition as it had been announced for weeks.

This new term is being used to refer to the deputies who voted against this legislative bill, who have had different reactions, as some take it gracefully and mock it, while others ask for respect and stop campaigning against it.

Another sector of the population, which is attentive to the situation in the country, has also participated in this issue. Among them was the communicator Víctor Trujillo, who on several occasions has made known his position regarding the Fourth Transformation (Q4).

Now, the creator of the character Brozo decided to go against the head of government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who defended herself on April 19 against the allegations about the alleged violation of the electoral law for soliciting votes in favor of López Obrador in the revocation of the mandate.

“Whoever does not believe a word to Mrs. Regenta, will be exhibited as a traitor or traitor to the CDMX and its conurbate area,” wrote the comedian, writer and producer.

(Foto: Twitter)
(Foto: Twitter)

It was during the morning of April 19 that it was announced that the Prosecutor's Office Specialized in Electoral Crimes (Fisel) opened investigation kits against the head of government Claudia Sheinbaum and the Secretary of the Interior Adán Augusto López for allegedly violating the Electoral Law prior to the Revocation of the Mandate.

After receiving 17 complaints before and after the exercise, the prosecutor's office decided to initiate investigations for requesting support from the population for the popular consultation. On April 2, the Minister of the Interior promoted the president's consultation at an event in Sonora where he stated that he was not afraid of possible sanctions from the National Electoral Institute.

The head of the Segob was denounced by deputies for alleged crimes of abuse of authority and suspicions of using an official plane to travel to Torreón, Coahuila and Hermosillo as part of the revocation of mandate process.

Marko Cortés responsabilizó a AMLO y Morena por lo que le pueda pasar a los diputados del PAN (Foto: Twitter)
Marko Cortés responsabilizó a AMLO y Morena por lo que le pueda pasar a los diputados del PAN (Foto: Twitter)

For her part, Sheinbaum Pardo, was denounced by deputies of the National Action Party after the rally she led on April 8 at the Monument to the Revolution where she was summoned the population to defend the Electric Reform, even the transmission was made through official channels of the Government of Mexico City.

Other actions that the opposition has taken against the members of the ruling bloc were the denunciations by the National Action Party (PAN). In the first instance, Marko Cortés Mendoza, leader of the blue and white, held López Obrador and the leader of the Morena National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Mario Delgado Carrillo, responsible for any act, aggression or an attack on legislators or him because of the “dangerous” campaign of hatred and violence that they have initiated.

While Deputy Jorge Triana reported that this Tuesday he will file a lawsuit against Delgado Carrillo and Citlalli Hernández, Morena's secretary general, for moral damage due to the campaign they initiated against him.

Tomorrow I will be filing a lawsuit for moral damage against @mario_delgado, @CitlaHM and those responsible for the cowardly campaign they have waged against those who voted against the power reform of @lopezobrador_,” the PAN legislator wrote on his Twitter account.


