Transfer of the 'Chiclayo Monster' to the Challapalca prison outrages the parents of an outraged minor

The little girl's father did not react well to the news and considered that the authorities had to leave him in Chiclayo “so that he can feel what he has done to my girl”.


The criminal nicknamed as the 'Chiclayo Monster', Juan Enríquez García, had received 9 months of preventive detention for having abducted and sexually abused a three-year-old girl in Lambayeque. However, last Monday night, he was ordered to be transferred to the Callapalca prison in Tacna.

Enríquez García, 48 years old, was being held in the Picsi prison. However, because the prisoners of this penitentiary had threatened him with death, it was decided that he would be transferred to the prison located in the mountains of Puno and Tacna. This prison is located 4,800 meters above sea level, being the highest detention center in the world.

The Minister of Justice, Felix Chero, confirmed that this decision was taken after evaluation by the president of the National Penitentiary Institute of Peru (INPE).

According to relatives of the prisoners of the Picsi prison, they hoped to give Enríquez García a 'welcome'. “We will make him pay for the damage he did, we too are parents and we have children, and that is evil. We are waiting for you, we are going to give you a nice welcome”, they warned him, according to the Trome newspaper.

'Monster of Chiclayo': the outrageous confession of the man who outraged a girl | VIDEO: América TV


However, the news was not well received by the victim's father, who stated that the criminal should face investigations and trial in the same place where he committed the crime. He considered that the prison authorities should have left Enríquez García with the rest of the inmates of the Chiclayo prison “so that he can feel what he has done to my girl”.

In an interview with Exitosa, the father of little Damaris reacted to the Executive Branch's proposal to impose chemical castration against the criminal and all rapists of minors, and was not very much in favor of this measure. He demanded the death penalty against Juan Antonio Enríquez García for committing the crime that not only outraged the region, but the whole country.

He said he was aware of the Executive's proposal, but considered that this “penalty”, nor life imprisonment, would be enough to remedy all the damage he did to his daughter.

“I go to work to feed my daughter. (Imagine) coming and finding her in those circumstances. If it were up to me, I would do the worst, but I try to stay calm for the sake of my girl. I have heard that they want to apply chemical castration to him [...] it is better to make him suffer and then kill him,” he said.

“They are going to keep him locked up all his life, with his three meals, well asleep; while one continues to work to be able to feed my girl,” he added.



President Pedro Castillo traveled to the Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Hospital, in Chiclayo, where the little girl is recovering. The father said that his conversation with the president lasted 5 minutes.

“He came to give us his support and told us that he was going to speed up the legal process so that that person pays what he deserves. It was a very short thing (the dialogue), but he advised us,” he told RPP Noticias that same April 15.

This Tuesday, April 19, in talks with Exitosa, the little girl's father gave more details of the president's visit.

“He came to see the condition of the baby and ask me how it is going, but I didn't hear his support. He just came to ask and said that they were going to back up with the psychological issue, all that, he said.

Thus, she explained that her little girl has already undergone two surgeries and is currently stable, but they have not yet been given a date to be discharged.

“My girl is stable, every day I see her happier and happier. He is better, thank God, and now he is recovering from the operations that have been done to him,” he said.