“Ridiculous”: Javier Lozano lashed out at Morena for exhibiting deputies who did not support Electric Reform

The National Regeneration Movement announced that they will spread the faces of the members of the Chamber of Deputies who voted against the initiative proposed by AMLO

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 21FEBRERO2018.- Javier Lozano, vocero de la campaña de José Antonio Meade, encabezó la conferencia de prensa para anunciar el deslinde total de las acusaciones en contra de Ricardo Anaya, candidato a la presidencia por la coalición “Por México al Frente”, de enriquecimiento ilícito a través de empresas fantasma en el estado de Querétaro. Lozano Alarcón llamó al candidato de la coalición a hacerse responsable de sus actos y de enfrentar a la justicia como es debido. 
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 21FEBRERO2018.- Javier Lozano, vocero de la campaña de José Antonio Meade, encabezó la conferencia de prensa para anunciar el deslinde total de las acusaciones en contra de Ricardo Anaya, candidato a la presidencia por la coalición “Por México al Frente”, de enriquecimiento ilícito a través de empresas fantasma en el estado de Querétaro. Lozano Alarcón llamó al candidato de la coalición a hacerse responsable de sus actos y de enfrentar a la justicia como es debido. FOTO: GALO CAÑAS /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The controversial activist of the National Action Party (PAN), Javier Lozano Alarcón, came out in defense of the legislators who voted against the Electricity Reform last Sunday, April 17.

Through his Twitter account, the former head of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (STPS) thanked them for the work they did and called them “brave” to all those who are part of the benches of the Coalition Va por México - made up of the Acción Nacional (PAN), Revolutionary Institutional (PRI) and Democratic Revolution (PRD).

In the message he wrote, the Puebla politician assured that they acted for the higher good of the nation and not to please President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), whom he called a “dictator” and continued to make a fool of himself with his actions such as the reform of the Mining Law.

Thank you for reminding us of the brave ones who, with sanity and consistency, voted for the higher good of the nation and not for the whims of the dictator. Keep making a fool of yourself. This social network would not be the same without pendej*s like you”, wrote the panista.


Lozano Alarcón's words were in response to the tweet published by Morena's deputy Miguel Torruco Garza, who shared the screen of the voting that took place in the San Lázaro legislative precinct.

In his message, the Morenista called the members of the opposition “sell homelands”, so, he said, he decided to share the names and surnames through his social networks.

Message that was the result of the statements offered by Mario Delgado and Citlalli Hernández on April 18, in which they warned that the “traitors” will be given a face and name for the elections on June 5.

And it is that, according to the dissertation given by the leaders of the cherry party, the opposition legislators allegedly “sold” themselves to the interests of foreign companies, so he explained that they would show such behavior.


“The decision taken by the PAN, PRI, PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano to betray Mexico, to sell itself to the interests of foreigners. There is a miscalculation that they made yesterday: you can no longer betray your country without people realizing it. We are sure that the people of Mexico will call them to (render) accountable, sooner than we imagine,” said Delgado Carrillo.

In addition to the above, he asked the representatives of the cherry party in the six entities that will hold elections this 2022 to inform citizens about what happened with the reform of the electricity industries.


While Morena's secretary-general, Citlalli Hernández Mora, said that the Fourth Transformation will continue to campaign to defend national sovereignty, reporting on the actions of opposition members in the Congress of the Union.

Finally, the Morenista assured that the opposition institutes will lose the federative entities that still govern; so, she decided, to insist that if they “want to keep these legislative victories there, they are not understanding the moment that our country is living”.

