Red alert in 46 municipalities of Antioquia for the rainy season

Floods and landslides are the greatest risks posed by six subregions of Antioquia due to heavy rains


The rainy season has local and national authorities on alert to the risks caused by emergencies that these could cause. Different levels of alert have been declared in different areas of the country for this situation.

In Antioquia, the Administrative Department of Risk Management (Dagran) reported that at least 46 municipalities are on red alert during this rainy season. These territories belong to six of the nine subregions that the department has.

Among the risks that put local authorities, departmental authorities and relief agencies on alert are landslides and floods, events that normally occur in this territory during the rainy seasons.

It should be noted that at least 60,000 people have already been affected by such emergencies during this first winter season of the year in Colombia, according to Semana Magazine.

Areas most likely to collapse

According to the Administrative Department of Risk Management of Antioquia, the areas of the department most likely to suffer collapses are the Aburrá Valley and much of Urabá.

Of these territories, so far this first rainy season, these are the sites that have presented landslide emergencies: San Roque, Santo Domingo, Briceño, Donmatias, Gómez Plata, Valdivia, Abriaqui, Anzá, Buritica, Frontino, Heliconia, San Jerónimo, Santa Fe de Antioquia, Cocorna, El Carmen de Viboral, El Peñol, The Eyebrow, Marinilla, Nariño, Rionegro, San Francisco, San Luis, Amagá, Fredonia, Montebello, Thames, Carepa, Barbosa, Bello, Copacabana and Envigado.

Faced with the risks of a collapse in these areas, the entity, headed by Jaime Enrique Gómez, recommended avoiding road trips at night or when it is raining.

Sectors most likely to flood due to heavy rainfall

The entity recalled that the areas most at risk from floods are those that are outside of tributaries. According to the monitoring of different entities, the rivers that could have overflows are Cauca, La Miel, Nare, Bebaramá, Murrí, León and Mulatos.

It should be noted that the sectors most likely to present this type of emergency are Urabá Antioquia and Magdalena Medio due to the water levels already reached by some of the aforementioned tributaries.

“We must be very careful. The rainy season can present sudden increases,” said the director of Dagran, Jaime Enrique Gómez, quoted by the aforementioned media outlet.

More than 5,000 families affected by the rains in Colombia

Ideam revealed that the first rainy season will continue until mid-June and the heaviest rain stages will be seen in the remainder of April and May. Heavy rainfall has affected several populations in the country and according to the National Unit for Risk Management, between March 16 and April 18, the rains caused 276 events such as landslides, floods or sudden increases.

These phenomena have affected 19 departments, especially Cundinamarca, Antioquia, Cauca, Tolima, Nariño and the Coffee Region.

The agency assured that the phenomenon of rains has affected 5,177 families, 28 people have died, 45 have been injured and one is missing, in addition, 107 homes have been completely destroyed.

Throughout the season, a variety of events have been recorded, but mass movements, floods and sudden increases are the most recorded, adding up to 232 events. Also, gales and storms, torrential avenues and hailstorms have already been reported.

