Presidential debate at the FilBo: VAT for books, deforestation and gender set the tone for the meeting

The candidates for the Presidency of the Republic presented their proposals focused on culture and regions, and also answered questions on issues of gender and environment


The Bogotá International Book Fair (FiLBO) reopened its doors to the general public so that writers, readers, artists and publishers can meet again in Corferias. Culture, education and regions are the pillars that the event promotes and that is why, this Wednesday, April 20, a debate focused on these issues was held with the presidential candidates who aspire to reach Casa de Nariño.

The meeting was attended by Ingrid Betancourt, Alvaro Gomez, Federico Gutiérrez, Luis Perez, Rodolfo Hernandez, and John Milton Rodriguez. Candidates Gustavo Petro and Sergio Fajardo did not attend the debate.

Due to Petro's absence, the Green Oxygen candidate threw him a whistle at the beginning of the event referring to the controversy of “social forgiveness” that surrounds the aspirant of the Historical Pact. “This is the place to talk to the country, not from La Picota,” said Betancourt, highlighting the importance of cultural issues. Following this, John Milton Rodriguez also stated that there should be no dialogue with the corrupt and politicians.

The questions of the FilBo: VAT for books

Throughout the debate, the names of the candidates were drawn to answer questions related to reading and publishing in Colombia. In the first round, participants were questioned how they would defend the national publishing industry from large platforms.

Federico Gutiérrez stated the importance of increasing reading levels in the country. “We have an index of 2.7 books per year per Colombian,” explained the candidate of Equipo for Colombia and proposed lowering the price of books, boosting scholarships and incentives for writers. He also indicated that no consideration should be given to applying VAT to books, “that discussion cannot even be opened”.

Ingrid Betancourt assured that the price of books does have to be reviewed, but “VAT is a tax that is the same for everyone”. At the same time, he explained the importance of making books in Colombia to be a “real boost to the industry” and would seek to promote reading digitally especially for children.

The moderator of the debate, Claudia Morales, replied her response to VAT. “Different governments have wanted to record the books and those of us who work on this know that this is unsustainable. There is no possibility of taking out an industry if they tax it with VAT,” said the journalist from El Espectador and reminded Betancourt that in order to have digital reading, you must reach areas of Colombia that do not have access to the internet.

Faced with this, the Green Oxygen candidate acknowledged that it is a complex issue that needs to bridge the internet coverage gap in the country and recalled the corruption act of Centro Poblados with the Ministry of ICT.

Gender and environment

The candidates also presented their positions on the issues of environment, gender and economics. Among those, the energy transition was highlighted, since candidates such as Enrique Gómez and Federico Gutiérrez assured that the transition is important, but mining is still needed.

Luis Pérez presented a 10-year “decarbonization and detrolization” proposal and Ingrid Betancourt stressed that the recovery of ecosystems affected by mining operations should be sought. Rodolfo Hernández assured that those who leave the mining industry will be welcomed in the green sectors.

Addressing gender issues and access to land, Betancourt reaffirmed that, as set out in the Final Peace Agreement, women victims will have qualification and subsidized credit. In the same vein was John Milton Rodríguez, stating that his government would provide sufficient guarantees to women.

The other candidates focused mostly on access to land rather than gender equity. Enrique Gómez said that there should be no different emphasis on women, but that work in rural areas should be considered equally for men and women and also seek access for young people. For his part, Luis Pérez will seek the creation of a “neobank” to seek credit without surety; while Federico Gutiérrez explained that land restitution will be guaranteed, but productivity must also be considered.

“Yes” and “no” questions

Will you promote a negotiation with the ELN? : Ingrid Betancourt, Rodolfo Hernández and Luis Pérez answered yes, while Enrique Gomez answered no. For his part, Federico Gutiérrez clarified that a dialogue would begin as the armed group abandons terrorism and drug trafficking, and John Milton Rodríguez said that he would do so if they comply with Colombian law.

Compulsory military service? : The candidates who answered yes were Ingrid Betancourt, Enrique Gomez, Luis Pérez and Jhon Milton Rodriguez. Those who disapproved of this possibility were Federico Gutiérrez and Rodolfo Hernández.

Will he resume relations with Venezuela? : Enrique Gomez, Rodolfo Hernandez and Luis Pérez answered in the affirmative, while Federico Gutierrez and John Milton Rodriguez answered no. For her part, Ingrid Betancourt refrained from raising the “palette” of answers.

Would you support fracking in Colombia? : The only one who refrained from responding was Federico Gutiérrez, while Enrique Gómez and John Milton Rodríguez assured that they would encourage him. Ingrid Betancourt, Rodolfo Hernandez and Luis Perez indicated that they did not.

Should individual qualification be suspended in forest reserve areas? : Enrique Gómez answered “no” and Rodolfo Hernández and Luis Pérez answered “yes. The others refrained from responding and John Milton Rodriguez explained that the question does not make legal sense.

Would it promote ratification of the Escazú Agreement? : The only ones who answered yes were Ingrid Betancourt and Luis Pérez. The other candidates said no and Rodolfo Hernandez abstained.

Should public spending be reduced? : All participants answered yes except for Ingrid Betancourt.

Will it promote pension reform through the pillar system? : Only two candidates refrained from answering, Federico Gutiérrez and Luis Pérez. The other participants indicated that they would.

Would there be a tax on sugary drinks? : Ingrid Betancourt, Rodolfo Hernandez and Luis Pérez said yes; Enrique Gomez and John Milton Rodriguez answered “no”. For his part, Gutierrez refrained from responding.

Would you promote any projects against the abortion ruling? : Enrique Gomez and John Milton Rodriguez answered “yes”. The others said no and Luis Perez did not respond.

Is there a need for a Basic Income program? : The candidates mostly stated that it is necessary, except for Enrique Gómez and John Milton Rodríguez.

Regarding the question of whether they would expand the Generation E program, all participants said yes; while questioning whether any of them have tax havens, the whole said they did not.

