More than 10 days after the search for Debanhi Escobar: Nuevo León will present a plan against the disappearance of women

Samuel García highlighted that Nuevo León is “entering fully, head-on and without hesitation” to the care and prevention of gender-based violence and the search for women who are reported missing


More than 10 days after the search for law student Debanhi Escobar began, the government of Nuevo León announced that in the coming weeks a plan to eradicate gender-based violence will be presented, in the face of the disappearances that have occurred in the entity.

During a press conference, the new head of the state's Secretariat for Women, Eusebia González González, declared that she will work to generate immediate results, so she will present an emergency plan to deal with cases of disappearance.


The official indicated that she will work together with the Government Secretariat, the Security Secretariat, the Search Commission and the rest of the units to eradicate violence and find those responsible.

If they mess with one, they mess with all of Nuevo León. This phrase becomes more relevant than ever when we see the collectives, when we see the parents, when we see the empathetic government. (...) The enemy is outside, the violators, and we go after them,” he said.

For his part, the governor of the entity, Samuel García Sepúlveda, stressed that Nuevo León is “entering fully, head-on and without hesitation” to the care and prevention of gender-based violence and the search for women who are reported missing.


In his participation, the state president issued a warning: “I will make it very clear, to violators, femicides and all those who harm the women of Nuevo León, know that we are going to find them and punish them to the full extent of the law.”

For this reason, it asked its governance structure to orchestrate a single effort “without hesitation or tibidity” to strengthen efforts to search for and action against violence against women, “concentrating all energy and resources to punish gender-based violence.”

In this context, the head of the local executive convened a meeting for next Friday of the System for the Prevention, Care, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women: “We know that it is the task of everyone and not only of the Secretariat; there are no excuses, there are no justified faults, the issue is a priority”.


In addition, García Sepúlveda asked Ximena Peredo, Secretary of Citizen Participation, to organize Working Groups with the participation of groups for the defense and protection of women and relatives of the disappeared “to address this serious and painful problem”.

It should be noted that 11 days after his disappearance, the case of Debanhi Escobar, last seen on April 9 standing on the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo highway, has put on the table the security deficiency faced by the state of Nuevo León.

And it is that the road where the 18-year-old student was seen is popularly known as the road of death, a nickname she has earned due to the number of missing persons she has accumulated.

