Mayor of Chiclayo calls for death penalty for rapists instead of castration

“I am convinced that most people want it. It is the popular outcry,” said Marco Gasco Arroba, who is also president of the Association of Municipalities of Peru.


Marco Gasco Arroba, the provincial mayor of Chiclayo and president of the Association of Municipalities of Peru (AMPE), announced that, this Wednesday afternoon, a national civic mobilization of municipalities will be held “for life, peace and security”. In addition, he expressed his opinion on the measures that justice should take with regard to rapists and argued that the death penalty “is a popular outcry”.

The bourgomaster of Chiclayo considered that the Congress of the Republic should discuss Peru's permanence in the San José Pact in order to approve the death penalty for child rapists, as in the case of the three-year-old girl raped and abducted by Juan Antonio Enriquez Garcia.

We ask for the death penalty for people like this. I am convinced that most people want it. It's the popular outcry. We have the support of most municipalities,” Gasco Arroba told RPP Noticias.


On Wednesday's mobilization, he said that it is taking place after the case of the 3-year-old girl who was abducted and raped in her region. He also gave figures of the prison reality.

22% of prisoners are for rape, and of that 22%, more than half, are about to rape girls. That is, 12 per cent of the prison population are rapists of children. And they are the ones who are doomed. how many more are only reported? How many more are not reported? ”, he said.


On the other hand, this Wednesday, President of the Judiciary, Elvia Barrios, and congressmen of the Republic, met to exchange information and articulate actions to improve the justice system, in the context of the case of the child victim of sexual violence in Chiclayo.

Barrios pointed out that the Code of Criminal Procedure provides for immediate proceedings, which avoids some procedural steps in order to expeditiously judge when there is flagrante delicto. In addition, he indicated that a flagrancy module will be implemented in Trujillo, but that many more are required throughout the country.

We are copying a model because we have already articulated, we have traveled to Ecuador that has a very similar model, there for example the record it holds is a process in 8 hours of flagrancy. Here we could have a trial in at least 30 days or two months, depending on the procedural activity,” he said.

Regarding the case of the minor victim of violence in Chiclayo, he said that the pretrial detention must always exist by judicial order; however, he clarified that the person can be tried in a shorter period of time.

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Flor Pablo (of the Morado Party) expressed the support of the Legislature to approve regulations that contribute to speeding up the administration of justice.

Our willingness is that this case, which hurts all Peruvians, is an emblematic case for improving our justice system, so that all branches, the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, which is our case, can come together to protect and make better rules and strengthen our institutions,” he said.

In addition to Flor Pablo, congressmen Norma Yarrow from Avanza País; Rosangella Barbarán from Fuerza Popular and others participated in the meeting with the head of the judiciary.

