Get scheduled: this is the agenda for Wednesday, April 20 for Filbo 2022

The Bogotá International Book Fair (Filbo) reopens its doors to visitors who want to enjoy talks, debates and workshops, which will feature more than 500 national and international guests

Bogotá, Abril 25 de 2019.
Bogotá, Abril 25 de 2019. La edición número 32 de la Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá (FILBo) se celebrará entre el 25 de abril y el 6 de mayo de 2019 en Corferias y este año contará cerca de 500 invitados nacionales e internacionales. En la foto: Pabellón Colombia. (Colprensa - Diego Pineda)

The Bogotá International Book Fair (FIlBO) reopened the doors of the Corferias fairgrounds to welcome the thousands of attendees who will be able to enjoy the pavilions full of books over the next 14 days, the meetings that South Korea will host as guest of honor and the more than 1,600 events that will be held in face-to-face.

The programme for this edition, which has the slogan 'La Filbo Vuelve', will begin this Wednesday, April 20th with an agenda in which lovers of literature and culture can enjoy training workshops, talks and a presidential debate in which candidates will present and discuss their ideas about culture as one of the axes program programs of their Governments.

“FilBo is the most important cultural event in the country, it is the stage in which all the actions that are planned throughout the year take place and, most importantly, it is the time to generate long-term links with our readers. Returning to the presence of the FilBo is a challenge and a very valuable opportunity. From April 19 to May 2, we will live together, a program designed so that we can meet again from different perspectives,” emphasized the executive president of the Colombian Book Chamber, Emiro Aristizábal.

Schedule Tuesday, April 20

Filbo Ciudad:

CULTURAL - A talk with Marian Ochoa de Eribe

2:00 p. m. – 4:00 p. m.

Department of Foreign Languages, National University

In partnership with Spanish Cultural Action.

LITERARY - Women Reading Club

Yolanda Reyes

5:30 p. m. – 6:30 p. m.

Scarecrow Bookstore (race 19A # 104A-60)

LITERARY — Conversations that will change your life

The wonder of the world: writing from the children's voice

Pilar Quintana, Andrea Abreu and Gloria Susana Esquivel

6:00 p. m. – 7:00 p. m.

Santo & Seña Bookstore (race 4 # 54 A-10)

In partnership with Acción Cultural Española, the Ministry of National Education, the Foundation

Saldarriaga Concha and the National Institute for the Deaf (INSOR).

LITERARY - Presentation of books Why do we depend on biodiversity? The opportunity we cannot miss, and Perception: a journey through the senses.

Juan Armando Sanchez and Felipe Reinoso-Carvalho

6:00 p. m. – 7:00 p. m.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez Cultural Center (11# 5-60 street)

LITERARY - Presentation of Galapagos, by Fatima Velez

5:00 p. m. – 6:00 p. m.

Gabriel Garcia Márquez Cultural Center, Mexico Bookstore (Calle 11 # 5-60)

LITERARY - 'I'm on the Granta list'

Valerie Miles and Eduardo Otálora

6:30 p. m. a 7:30 p. m

Gaitan Hall (race 7 #22 -47)

In partnership with the District Institute of Arts (IDARTES).

Filbo Corferias:

CULTURAL - Do science and literature talk? Two distant worlds?

In partnership with the Conversa Network.

Leonardo Ordoñez (University of the Rosario), Julieth Guerrero, Mary Julieth Guerrero, Maria Monica Monsalve

LITERARY - Presentation of the novel Nico by Javier Galeano Pájaro

Javier Galeano Pájaro, author of the novel Nico, and Esteban Rangel, illustrator, talk to Raquel González Henao.

1:00 p. m. – 1:45 p. m.

FilBo Workshops 2

LITERARY - Launch of the memory initiative “A pain kept in the heart”

Edgar Álvarez (I explain it to you with plasticine), Sandra Páez, Álvaro Velandia

1:00 p. m. – 1:45 p. m.

Sala Jorge Isaacs

CULTURAL - Filbo 2022 Presidential Debate: Much more than politics: Culture and Regions

They organize the Bogotá International Book Fair (FILbo), the Friedich Ebert Stiftung in Colombia (FESCOL) and El Espectador.

1:00 p. m. – 3:00 p. m.

Jose Asuncion Silva Auditorium

LITERARY - Presentation of the book 'Lost Stories of the Panama Canal'}

Marixa Lasso in conversation with Juan Carlos Flórez

3:00 p. m. – 3:45 p. m.

Ecopetrol Grand Hall - FilBo C Room

CULTURAL - Environmental crimes affecting citizen security in Colombia: Case studies on deforestation and timber trafficking

Captain Martha Lucia Gallego Betancourth, Dr. Jorge Ulises Rodriguez Guevara, Magister Julian Andres Martinez Norena

3:00 p. m. – 3:45 p. m.

Sala Jorge Isaacs

LITERARY - Presentation of the book 'Con P of Polombia' by Daniel Samper Ospina

6:00 p. m. a 8:00 p. m.

Cultural Tent