Federico Gutiérrez responded to Sergio Fajardo's criticism: “He's desperate”

The Colombia Team candidate also gave advice to the former governor of Antioquia regarding the campaign he is running: “You have to look inward”


Presidential candidate Federico Gutiérrez's recent meeting with former President Andrés Pastrana generated many comments from different political fronts and social media users. The meeting that took place last Monday, April 18, aimed to touch on some issues relevant to Colombia. The former president said that they had a discussion, “very cordial and productive about the opportunities and challenges of his campaign, and the threat of fraud.”

Sergio Fajardo, who was campaigning in Cumaral, where he said he saw many surprised faces due to his visit, said, “You can get used to it because our change will be from the regions. What this government was not able to do: govern outside the Casa de Nariño”.

The candidate of the Centro Esperanza coalition also had the opportunity to respond to the meeting between Federico Gutiérrez and Andrés Pastrana. Quoting the trill of former President Pastrana, he wrote: “Another former president for Federico's collection. More of the same, ever further away from change.”

You can also read: Sergio Fajardo throws pulla at Federico Gutiérrez and Gustavo Petro: “They seek votes of corrupt people in prisons or clubs”

Federico Gutiérrez, Team candidate for Colombia, referred to the criticism he has received from Sergio Fajardo in recent weeks. In an interview with La W, he stated that the former governor of Antioquia has been attacking him for a month and a half, “desperate to see if I return and put him on the stage of public debate.”

“I had respect with him. He has to look inward, on his campaign, rather than worry about the others,” said the presidential candidate who also reiterated that, “he will work with good people from all walks of life.”

Gustavo Petro, who has been the target of criticism from different political fronts after his brother, Juan Fernando Petro, was seen in La Picota prison visiting some political prisoners in the midst of the election campaign being carried out by the Historical Pact, was also mentioned by Federico Gutiérrez in the interview.

This may interest you: Letter of support for Sergio Fajardo was signed by 280 characters, including writers, journalists and former ministers

“There is a despair of the other campaign, which goes to prisons to negotiate with corrupt and paramilitaries. The one who asks for support from 'Marquitos Figueroa', one of the worst murderers in this country. I can answer for what I do, decently and honestly,” Gutiérrez said.

About this whole situation, Sergio Fajardo, a few days ago made a trill that generated many comments on social networks. The candidate said, “Fico (Federico Gutiérrez) is going to La Picota to make a media announcement, but he is unable to give up the support of the questioned politicians who accompany him, and Petro has to sign at a notary to say that he will keep his word that he will not expropriate anyone in Colombia. Pathetic.”

Another controversy that has arisen in recent hours was that of Gustavo Petro, who asked Piedad Córdoba through his Twitter account to suspend, “all his activities within the campaign, until he can resolve, hopefully, favorably, the legal syndications that are made to him”. Federico Gutierrez and Sergio Fajardo reacted to this.

“Petro: is Piedad also going to turn out to be an entrapment? What will this gentleman know, if he is asking her to withdraw from the campaign? This “ethical” act that is actually cynical is not enough. Tell Colombians the truth, Gustavo,” Gutiérrez said on his Twitter account.

On the other hand, Fajardo said, “Piedad Córdoba had been known for several months and Gustavo Petro decided to keep it on the closed list of the Historical Pact to the Senate. This is not the first time that Petro has delayed refusing controversial support, as Ivan and Samuel Moreno must remember.”

