Air traffic controllers strike causes the resignation of the director general of labor

Ernesto Aguinaga presented his letter to Minister Betssy Chavez alleging differences with the Executive.


Five days after a strike occurred at Jorge Chavez International Airport, a first casualty was announced. This is Ernesto Aguinaga, director of the General Directorate of Labour of the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion, who extended his decision to Betssy Chávez through a letter. Differences in how to deal with the problems of the sector would have been the main motivation for the staff member to decide to step aside.

“I believe that I fulfilled this task with integrity, autonomy, honesty and loyalty and, above all, that I exercised it in full conformity with the values of the constitutional rule of law”, the first lines of the document to which the newspaper La República had access. However, further down, Aguinaga pointed out that the convictions that motivated his work did not find a similar response from “broad sections of the Executive”. He added that these disagreements began with “public opposition” to initiatives promoted by the Ministry of Labor.


The questions raised about the performance of the management in charge of the Corpac air traffic controllers strike would have been the straw that spilled the glass. “Note that, in this case, at no time did they question that the company has failed to comply with its work commitments (the reason for the strike) or, worse still, that it had not provided for the corresponding contingency plans to deal with the events of Thursday, 14 April (the air traffic controllers' failure to comply with their duty to cover minimum services)”, the letter reads.

Aguinaga, as written in the document, believes that “there are no longer the conditions necessary to continue carrying out the work he has been doing (in defense of the primacy of human rights at work), I must resign from the position that you entrusted to me at the time,” says the resigner to the minister Betsy Chavez.


The air traffic controllers' strike, which led to the cancellation of several flights, has been one of the most recent events that earned a wave of criticism of Labor Minister Betssy Chavez. This is how Congress has responded by launching an interpellation motion promoted by MP Patricia Chirinos from Avanza País.

Betssy Chavez's irresponsibility in the air traffic controllers' strike left thousands of tourists stranded, generating millions of losses for the country. Faced with this and other mismanagement in the MTPE, I have filed a motion for interpellation against the Minister of Labour,” the legislator wrote on her Twitter account.


These are the questions that the questioned minister will have to answer:

“Why were there no preventive measures taken to face the strike of air traffic controllers?”

- Do you accept that there are 95 pages of your thesis to obtain the professional title of lawyer, which would have been plagiarized without citing the source from which they came?

- What prisoners did you meet with in 2016 at Challapalca Prison - Tacna?

- In what period of time did you work in the library of the Challapalca Prison?

What functions did you perform during the year (s) that you worked in the library of the Challapalca Prison - Tacna?

- You, as holder of the work portfolio, did you inform or coordinate with the heads of the transport and foreign trade sector the consequences of General Directorial Resolution 046-2022 MTPE/2/14 of 01.04.2022 dated 01.04.2022?

- As head of the labor sector, did you evaluate the labor problems that will be generated by the fall in tourist activity during Easter (in which the mobilization of more than 1 million national tourists was estimated)?