What is the role of flies in the world?

Although it may not seem, flies play a very important role within various ecosystems. Find out what are the great contributions to the planet.


Flies are the most well-known insects worldwide, due to their wide variety. It is likely that the presence of these dipterans will not please many, but it is necessary to know what their important role is on the planet.

According to various studies, it is known that for every human being on the planet there are about 17 million flies. Of the hundreds and millions of species that exist in the world, entomologists have managed to identify only 160,000 specimens.


The function of these insects is crucial and there are several, which, in addition to being vital, have a positive impact on humans and the ecosystem in general.

Flies pollinate plants, eat waste from our drains, devour decaying corpses, contributing to modern genetics and more.

Obviously, by moving various materials into their bodies they also generate a negative impact, and they are the spread of diseases, damage crops, kill spiders, dragonflies and other insects.

So, the work of flies goes beyond a simple nuisance to humans, because they help us clean up all kinds of biological waste, especially organic waste. A relevant and attributable fact as positive is that, they help detectives to discover at what point a person became a corpse.

The larva of the blue fly, like the cresas, devour all kinds of corpses, both animals and men, and knowing when they lay their eggs and at what stage of decay can be of great help.

The reduction of organic matter in decay by flies does not stop there, since they are transformed into elements of great use for the soil and soil and that in most cases can serve as fertilizer.


Unlike many animals, the life of the common fly is short, its existence only lasts 15-30 days, but the incredible thing is that the female can lay up to 1000 eggs in all his life.

One feature that stands out about these dipterans is that they have a great ability to flee from those people or predators who try to end them. According to biologist Michael Dickinson, “a fly can see a predator and analyze where it will attack to avoid it with an elegant maneuver in a split second, just a blink of an eye.”

Regarding the act of reproduction, if you observe flies, it is likely that some of them are in a coital phase. What happens is that females have relationships with several males for a single purpose, to be able to have healthy offspring and avoid any harmful gene and this behavior was detected by a study conducted at the University of Exeter.


Polyandry, which is the female practice of mating with several males, means a very high cost for these specimens, since in the case of females it accelerates their death.


Entomology is the science that studies insects and other arthropods that have an impact on general health. That is, those species that can cause disease or that can intervene in some infection.

Diptera is the real name of insects commonly called flies or mosquitoes. The name is due to a characteristic that makes them unique and that is that they have only two membranous wings and not four like the vast majority of insects. They also have a sucker-type mouth and a pair of rockers for stability.

