U.S. Department of State certifies Colombia's fight against narcotics

This certification was a necessary requirement for the disbursement of 20 percent of the resources approved annually by the United States for the South American country

Trabajadores de antinarcóticos fumigan una plantación de coca en Tumaco (Colombia), en una fotografía de archivo. EFE/Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda
Trabajadores de antinarcóticos fumigan una plantación de coca en Tumaco (Colombia), en una fotografía de archivo. EFE/Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda

The results of the anti-narcotics strategy implemented by Colombia during 2021 were highlighted by the United States Department of State, which on April 19 certified the process through a letter sent to the Colombian Congress. This document, beyond the political relevance of the country, represents an important economic boost, because this certification is a necessary requirement for the disbursement of 20 percent of the resources approved annually by the US. Department of Commerce for the South American country.

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