They report femicide of Yolima Pérez, former combatant of the former FARC and signatory of the peace agreement

This was reported by Comunes, which demanded that the national government respect what was signed and protect the reincorporated into the territories.

Un grupo de mujeres participan en una movilización con motivo de la conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer hoy, en Bogotá (Colombia). EFE/ Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda
Un grupo de mujeres participan en una movilización con motivo de la conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer hoy, en Bogotá (Colombia). EFE/ Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda

A demobilized member of the FARC in the process of being reinstated in the department of Meta E identified as Yolima Pérez was found dead in her home, according to what was reported by the president of the Commons Party, Rodrigo Londoño.

The leader condemned the violence against women who signed the Peace Agreement between the former guerrilla organization and the Colombian state in 2016:

In addition, the National Corporation for Common Reintegration added that the former combatant, 34 years old, was a signatory of the agreement, in the process of being reinstated and “was found dead in her home at dawn today” in the town of Mesetas.

The Corporation stressed that the victim was developing a productive project, as well as carrying out his academic and work training in order to contribute to society from civil life:

Yolima Pérez formed one of the women's organizations “Chocolate entre amigas” and monitored the implementation of the peace agreement signed between the Colombian Government and the FARC in 2016 through the Women's Oversight Office, made up of women leaders and social actors.

According to the statement issued, the Corporation stressed that “this case is evidence of the need for the comprehensive implementation of the Peace Agreement, with a gender, territorial, ethnic and differential approach that allows us to build peace with social justice.”

As a context, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) stated last March that 306 demobilized persons have been killed since the signing of the peace agreement, including 10 women, including an indigenous woman from the department of Cauca (southwest).

This Londoño posted on his Twitter account:

More cases of violence against women: in Barranquilla, during Good Friday, two women were killed

In the last 24 hours, in Barranquilla, two women were murdered violently, sparking the concern and indignation of the city's inhabitants.

The first case was reported in the morning, when in the village of La Playa the lifeless body of a 30-year-old woman, identified as Albanis Del Carmen Báez, was found by the community.

According to the preliminary report of the authorities, the residents of the deceased said that the woman had a strong argument with her romantic partner, who apparently took a knife and attacked the woman until she took her life. Although the woman was eventually transferred to a medical center, where health professionals confirmed her death.

The woman was originally from Maracaibo, Zulia state in Venezuela, and the romantic partner who would be responsible for her death was identified as José Antonio Martínez Viloria, 44, a native of Sincelejo, Sucre. According to local media, the discussion took place because the woman sent her five children to see the biological father; children aged 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 were left without their mother.


Hours later, in the metropolitan area of Barranquilla, a woman was killed with a firearm. The events took place in the Altos de Belén neighborhood, where they found the victim who was identified as Aurora Sánchez Bauza, 34 years old.

Authorities stated that, in this case, the woman was intercepted by armed men on a motorcycle, who shot her five times. According to witnesses, Sanchez was wearing a black sweater, blue jeans and carrying a small pink bag. After the attack, the woman was left with a disfigured face in the face of bullet wounds.

So far this year, six cases of femicide have been reported in the department of Atlántico. At the end of March, the death of Yasli Carolina Ortega Bastida, who was also stabbed by her romantic partner after a fight, was reported in the Las Americas neighborhood. For this femicide, William Hernando Molina Soto, the victim's romantic partner, was captured.

