“They look completely defeated”: this is how Noroña mocked the leaders of Va por México

The leaders of the PRI, PAN and PRD in the Chamber of Deputies abandoned the discussion session on the Mining Law sent by AMLO after the Electricity Reform was scrapped

CAMPECHE, CAMPECHE, 15SEPTIEMBRE2021.- Layda Sansores San Román tomó protesta como gobernadora constitucional de Campeche en el Congreso del Estado, luego de esto se dirigió a la Plaza de República en donde expresó que "Campeche formará parte de la cuarta transformación, primero los pobres, y lo mejor para los pobres”,  además añadió que “apostaremos fundamentalmente por lo que es nuestra vocación de mar, de campo, de turismo, salud para todos como un derecho prioritario; educación, combatiremos la violencia contra las mujeres, salarios dignos para los policías, y los abogados de oficio serán los mejores y los mejor pagados, serán motivo de orgullo y dignidad para defender a los más humildes y a los indígenas”. Como invitados acudieron Mario Delgado, presidente de Morena; Marcela Muñoz Martínez; ex directora de seguridad pública de la alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, y el diputado Gerardo Fernández Noroña, entre otros.
CAMPECHE, CAMPECHE, 15SEPTIEMBRE2021.- Layda Sansores San Román tomó protesta como gobernadora constitucional de Campeche en el Congreso del Estado, luego de esto se dirigió a la Plaza de República en donde expresó que "Campeche formará parte de la cuarta transformación, primero los pobres, y lo mejor para los pobres”, además añadió que “apostaremos fundamentalmente por lo que es nuestra vocación de mar, de campo, de turismo, salud para todos como un derecho prioritario; educación, combatiremos la violencia contra las mujeres, salarios dignos para los policías, y los abogados de oficio serán los mejores y los mejor pagados, serán motivo de orgullo y dignidad para defender a los más humildes y a los indígenas”. Como invitados acudieron Mario Delgado, presidente de Morena; Marcela Muñoz Martínez; ex directora de seguridad pública de la alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, y el diputado Gerardo Fernández Noroña, entre otros. FOTO: MICHAEL BALAM/CUARTOSCURO.COM

The reactions following the votes for the Electricity Reform in the Chamber of Deputies continue to appear this Monday, April 18, as was the case of the federal deputy of the Labour Party (PT), Gerardo Fernández Noroña, who ironized with the situation.

And it is that, despite the fact that the opposition claimed that it won the debate last Sunday, April 17, the petista mocked the expression that all the leaders of the Va coalition had by Mexico (PAN, PRI and PRD) during the press conference they held this Monday.

“They look full, completely defeated,” were the words that were mocked by the legislator of Marko Cortés - leader of the National Action Party (PAN) -, Alejandro Moreno - leader of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) - and Jesús Zambrano - leader of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) -.

However, his point did not stop there, as he continued with his satire and called the panist as Narko Cortés, the PRI as Algrito Moreno and the Perredist as Jesús Hortera.


The photo mocked by the federal deputy took place during the press conference offered by the parliamentary coalition Va por México, where they announced that they abandoned the session at which the reform to the Mining Law that AMLO sent this Monday.

At that event, PAN deputy Cecilia Patrón indicated that the three parliamentary groups decided not to be in the discussion because the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) and its allies did not allow in-depth discussion.

He also pointed out that, from his perspective, it was an initiative that only paid to the rhetoric of the federal government, because lithium is already owned by the Mexican State.


Meanwhile, Jorge Romero Herrera, coordinator of the PAN bench in San Lázaro, expressed his dissatisfaction with the performance of the cherry party, as he accused that it was a revenge because last Sunday the Electric Reform was not approved.

However, at the time, he announced that in the next few days the coalition would submit a motion to give them more time to evaluate the proposal; however, this did not happen.

“The ruling party does not surpass its defeat yesterday in the #ReformaEléctrica vote, so it gives a shot with #LeyMinera. #VaXMéxico will file a suspensive motion against the initiative to have the time to evaluate it,” Romero wrote on his official Twitter account.


As mentioned, the actions of the opposition could not be carried out, because AMLO's proposal was approved quickly in the plenary of the Lower House when it reached a simple majority.

With a vote of 298 in favor, 197 abstentions and zero against, the Mexican State will have the unique powers of exploration, exploitation, industrialization and the integral use of lithium.

Now that is continuing in the legislative process, the Chamber of Deputies will discuss the reserved articles, and then they will be sent to the Senate of the Republic in order to ratify this initiative with a draft decree.

