The song that José Ramón López Beltrán dedicated to AMLO to "impose the cult on his image”: analyst

The president's eldest son published a song by Afrika Bambaataa reversed by Rage Against The Machine after the defeat of his Electric Reform


Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, experienced one of his most bitter defeats last Sunday, April 17, 2022, when the opposition voted almost unanimously against his Electric Reform, causing it to be scrapped because he did not have a qualified majority to modify the Constitution.

This provoked a wave of criticism from the ruling political movement, and members of the allied parties, who even called those who voted against the Federal Executive's energy proposal as “traitors to the homeland”.

José Ramón López Beltrán, AMLO's eldest son, probably driven by the rage of the defeat of the Electric Reform in the Chamber of Deputies, decided to open YouTube and put some anti-system song, a protest song, a hard rock n roll like the ones you use from time to time.

He also added some emoji about lightning, spotlights, lights, batteries, antennas, satellites and the Mexican flag, implying that his motive is the defeat of the Electric Reform. “No matter how hard they try, they won't be able to stop us.”


Renegades Of Funk from Rage Against The Machine was the first to appear. It is a cover of Afrika Bambaataa, an MC and DJ key to the development of Hip Hop, as well as a peace activist who used art and music as his main weapon of protest.

The video also shows us one or the other social fighter of great fame in the world, including faces known in Latin America as the revolutionary Ernesto “El Che” Guevara, the indigenous activist Rigoberta Menchu, or the American peasant leader Cesar Chavez.

In the voice of journalists specializing in rock, such as Mario Valencia, RATM is “the last great protest band to achieve popular taste”, as well as a group of musicians who transmit a spirit of rebellion necessary to fight against conformity and systematic oppression.

The director of the documentary Atrapado en el Metal about the Mexican Heavy Metal scene warned in an interview with Infobae Mexico that this song reveals the true value that artists have in a constantly struggling society, where they can be seen as great revolutionaries “on a par with figures like Malcolm X”.


Therefore, he considered that using it as a kind of anthem for the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is more like “falling into the rhetoric of exalting his figure” as a politician, which he considered an essential part of the Fourth Transformation (Q4).

“A true leader does not seek to impose the cult towards his image, but to act for the benefit of his community,” Valencia said in an interview with this media, after considering that Bambaataa's song cannot be linked to any president interested in “looking after his own interests”.

In addition, his reading of the reasons that led AMLO's eldest son to dedicate this song to him, reversed by RATM, is a “teenage attempt to be provocative through music”.

And he linked him, in this sense, by the rancor he might have for the members of the opposition, who recently exposed him around the house millionaire who lives with his wife, Carolyn Adams.

Like when a high school kid feels misunderstood and needs to demonstrate a certain level of superiority through a song. López Beltrán has been one of the opposition's favorite targets since the Grey House scandal. Being this object of mockery and disdain in networks, it uses them to demonstrate mettle”, concluded the filmmaker and music analyst.

