The sister of a historic Chilean football scorer convicted of laundering stolen vehicles managed to evade her prison sentence

Solange Paredes, sister of former national team player Esteban Paredes, provided additional information to the Justice in exchange for permuting her sentence


Solange Paredes, sister of historic Chilean football scorer Esteban Paredes, who has been involved in a series of crimes, won an agreement with the Chilean Public Ministry to avoid going to prison and be left without a criminal record.

Unknown, hermetic and unusual, the deal between the defense of Solange Paredes Quintanilla and the Chilean Public Prosecutor's Office has been catalogued, which allowed him to avoid an effective prison sentence, after being linked to a criminal gang that was dedicated to the laundering of stolen vehicles in the capital Santiago.

The woman had been convicted, and convicted a little over a month ago, as the perpetrator of the completed crimes of unlawful association, falsification of a private instrument and violation of Chile's Arms Control Law, as well as being an accomplice in several cases of reception.

However, the sister of goalscorer Esteban Paredes will not spend any day behind bars thanks to the agreement that her lawyer, Nelson Salas Stevens, won with prosecutor Claudia Barraza, who is leading the ongoing investigation.


The agreement, reached on January 13 through Zoom's virtual platform, and with the participation of Salas Stevens and Barraza, establishes the following: Solange Paredes Quintanilla acknowledged her degree of participation in the investigated events, but provided new relevant data to clarify the framework and activities criminals of the criminal gang in which she frequently participated prior to her capture. That meeting allowed his defense to obtain a sentence referred through an abbreviated judicial procedure. In this way, his criminal record will not be 'stained', since he did not keep previous criminal records.

According to the transcript of the interrogation, Paredes said that, during 2020, he had been romantically involved, but would later become purely working, with Juan Pablo Ulloa, who today has been indicated by the Eastern Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office of Santiago as the intellectual leader of the band, a statement that in the long run would end up being key for Solange Paredes Quintanilla to obtain the above-mentioned benefits.

''Juan Pablo told me that he was engaged in the purchase and sale of vehicles as a garment, but I realized that the identity cards he sent me were false, since they had inconsistencies in the names, '' Paredes argued knowing that this was a fraud.

The reading of the judgment of Paredes Quintanilla was given on March 14 by the titular judge of the Thirteenth Guarantee Court of Santiago, Verónica Sepúlveda, in which the role of the person involved was recognized, which, according to the ruling, consisted of carrying out the notarial procedures linked to the legalization of the letters of power, instruments that are indispensable to complete the data of a vehicle, the latter was what allowed the falsification of private documents. It should be mentioned that for each power of attorney (10 in total) he was paid $40,000 in cash, which is equivalent to about 50 dollars.

In addition, he was convicted of possession of flammable items that are prohibited by the Chilean Gun Control Law. The mention is for fireworks, which he kept and kept in his private residence at the time of his arrest.

This is how, after three years of minor imprisonment in her middle degree, Judge Verónica Sepúlveda agreed to the conditional remission of the sentence for such collaboration in the process, so she will only have to sign, every month, at the Center for Social Reintegration of the Gendarmerie in Santiago.

