The Simpsons franchise is undoubtedly one of the most successful series and films in recent years. The stories about the yellow family, including Homer (father), Maggie (mother), Bart (eldest son), Lisa (second daughter) and Maggie (youngest daughter), which are generally a reflection of American society.
Its success has been and is too great, so since 2017, every year on April 19 is celebrated World Simpsons Day.
The day was chosen for The Simpsons because in 2017 it took 30 years since the characters first appeared on television. Since then, in addition to being an interesting series, it has also been known for its' predictions', since some of its episodes show devices or events that happened for the first time in real life.
Therefore, Infobae brings five of the most famous predictions in The Simpsons technology that have come true:
In the episode 'Das Bus' of the ninth season, Homer decides to start his own internet company after discovering that his neighbor Ned Flanders has a web business.
Homer decides to enter the world of the World Wide Web (world wide computer network), since he believes that everyone was generating profits on the Internet, except his family, and calls his business CompuMundoHypermegared.
Because it is not clear what the company is for, millionaire businessman Bill Gates, co-creator of Microsoft, appears at the Simpsons house to buy Homer's company, to which he access.
Augmented reality lenses
In the episode under the name 'Specs and the City', Mr. Burns gives his employees augmented reality glasses, called Google Goggles, in order to spy on them.
Homer ends up loving his new gadget, and he uses them all the time. However, Marge asks her to stop using them as it became an addiction.
Marge's' Ultracasa '
In the Simpsons XII Halloween Special, which is divided into three parts, you have to take House of Whacks to find a technology prediction.
In this part, Marge is at home, when a robot vendor knocks on the door and offers her a product that transforms her home into an 'Ultracasa' or what is currently known as Smart Home.
The seller assures him that with this product, he would never do household chores again, thanks to his installed virtual assistant, which makes personalized greetings, cooks, cleans and orders everything in a few moments.
Homer's website
In the episode called 'The Computer Threat' (in Latin America), Homer decides to create his own website that, as a distinctive feature, is full of animated GIFs and sounds .
This page caused a stir in Springfield, as the portal served as an 'information site', where you could find intimate information about other characters in the series, all under the pseudonym 'Mr. X'.
Homer in 3D (Homer to the Cube)
The house of horror VI (Treehouse of Horror VI) consists of three segments: 'Attack of the 50-Foot Eyesores', 'Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace' and 'Homer³'.
In the latter, Patty and Selma are about to visit Marge, so Homer, in order to avoid his sisters-in-law, looks for a place to hide and finds a library in the living room, hiding behind her.
Once there, he comes to see that the wall has a strange radiation, which would allow it to pass through. In doing so, Homer moves into an environment where everything is in 3D. The site has the appearance of a 3D computer animation. Not finding a way out, Homer asks for help from several characters in the series. However, no one manages to help him return.