“The past, past”: Zoraida Gomez supported Eleazar Gómez to resume her career

The actress confirmed that her mother is currently in better health, however, she is still experiencing the aftermath of the stroke and thrombosis she suffered


After Mexican actor Eleazar Gómez returned to show business, after experiencing one of the most complex moments of his life by staying in prison for five months after assaulting model Tefi Valenzuela, his sister Zoraida Gomez commented on how he prosecuted the actor's entire family.

Zoraida Gómez confessed in an interview for TVyNovelas the situation of Eleazar's loved ones after the mistakes her brother had in the past.

When asked about the actor's return to the medium, the 36-year-old actress remarked that she is happy that her brother is again venturing into music and resuming his artistic career.

“I love it. In this race you always have to fight, nobody has everything bought; he keeps doing his things and he loves music, although now he also has a project in the theater”, he stressed.


She was also questioned as to whether it bothered her that she would be asked about her brother most of the time, to which she confessed: “I have always said it and I stand by it, everyone has their own individual life. Obviously, blood is blood, he is my brother and all my life I will support him, but everyone has his life. It's also important to respect that. What am I going to know about what they ask me!”

On the other hand, he assured that although Eleazar did not do things right, he, like everyone else, deserves a second or third chance, since all people make mistakes throughout his life.

“We all deserve them, and not just a second one. . also a third, no one is perfect. In this life we are all wrong and we have to move on,” he added.

On the other hand, the former member of RBD denied that Eleazar's previous situation is a reason that directly affects her family: “This has already happened, we are in another year and there are many new things to tell. The past is past; we can't keep talking about the same thing. We have to look to the future.”


Finally, when questioned about whether she thinks her brother has not been forgiven for his mistake, Zoraida replied forcefully that it was time to turn the page, because you can't keep thinking about the same thing all the time.

“I don't know why they always bring the same subject to light! That makes everyone remember it, and to remember it is to live it again. You have to turn the page, learn from mistakes, move on and project yourself elsewhere, with other people and other projects. We all make mistakes, and that's not why we have to crucify people,” he added.

She even confirmed that the relationship between her and Eleazar Gómez is impeccable, as the actor visits her home on several occasions: “I love that all the Sundays to eat at my house; we had a great time.”

He also mentioned that his mother is feeling better, after experiencing a thrombosis and stroke due to the stress she underwent: “It is not easy to get ahead after a stroke and thrombosis, in addition to the stress she has experienced. When people are older, you have to show them that all stages of life are worth it”, closed the actress.