Son of former president Juan Manuel Santos reportedly dating actress Natalia Jerez

In 2014, Martin Santos became one of the most coveted bachelors in the country due to media exposure given to him by his father's governments.


Martin Santos has become one of the most recognized public figures in the country and on social media, not only because he is one of the sons of former President Juan Manuel Santos, but because of his views on the country's political scene and the female audience that follows him. However, he is one of the figures in the country who has preferred to keep his love life private, although until recently it was known that he was single.

In recent hours, information has been known that would indicate that Santos has started a new love relationship and, coincidentally, it is with a Colombian woman who is part of the national show. This is the actress and journalist Natalia Jerez; who for the last few years has been away from the screens due to the arrival of her daughter Carlota, the result of the relationship that the woman had with photographer Mateo Páez, but which ended just over a year ago.

The association between Santos and Jerez was announced by the Canal Uno gossip program, 'Lo Sé Todo', through its Instagram account. The interesting thing is that in the comments of that publication, several users claim to have seen them together in Cartagena.

“The family of former president Juan Manuel Santos is growing, as his son Martin Santos would be dating renowned actress Daniela Jerez. We found several coincidences,” the publication of the entertainment program reads.

Yes, I saw them together in Cartagena. In the walled city. Very happy the weekend before Easter”; “What Natalia envies”; “That is older, they are since last year”, are some of the comments. It should be noted that, for now, neither character has confirmed or denied the news publicly.

It should be noted that Santos is a lawyer graduated from Universidad de los Andes and is 32 years old and, in 2014, he was listed as one of the most coveted bachelors in the country. He has been recognized by the followers he has accumulated since his family occupied the Casa de Nariño and he, with his personality, attracted a large number of female fans.

Among the first interviews that Martin Santos gave during his father's first term in 2010, he said that the first thing he would do when he got to the presidential house would be to “look where I'm going to run away at night to party with my friends.”

In the love life of Martin Santos, for now, they have met the Bogota woman of Cartagena blood Melissa Dunoyer, daughter of businessman and rancher Carlos Dunoyer and Orietta de la Espriella. And also the Cali Daniela Bohm, who comes from a distinguished Jewish family in Valle del Cauca and who studied industrial design at the same university as the former president's son.

If Daniela Jerez is Martin Santos's new girlfriend, she would become part of the family she joined, for several years, former Miss Colombia Gabriela Tafur, who is Esteban Santos's girlfriend and, recently, revealed the first message that the young man sent her.

Tafur showed the favor that Esteban Santos asked him in January 2018. “I need your help please! No one has been able to find out if the specialization in Public Management and Administrative Institutions is only for lawyers or not. And I remember you telling me that you are working in Los Andes, so I thought they could help me find out,” reads the screenshot published by Tafur.

The message went viral on social media and became a 'trick' that several people have used to write to celebrities or people they are attracted to.