Minsalud calls for increased protective measures to prevent respiratory infections during the winter season

The increase in rainfall, which is expected to continue during April, May and June, may increase acute respiratory infections in vulnerable populations,

Beautiful young parents and their
Beautiful young parents and their daughter are having common cold, wiping noses and looking at camera while lying on bed

The Ministry of Health and Protection warned that due to the winter season, there may be an epidemiological peak of acute respiratory infections (ARI), which are caused by viruses such as influenza, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and other agents that can cause the common flu, cold and other diseases severe diseases such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia, mainly in children under 5 years of age.

Among the Ministry's recommendations are the correct use of the mask, to carry out permanent hand washing and to self-isolate in case of symptoms.

“In April, every year Colombia experiences the first peak of ARI, so the call is made to maintain care and prevention,” said Iván Cárdenas, Deputy Director (e) of Communicable Diseases of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

He added that “according to Ideam, during the months of April, May and June there will be rainfall volumes above historical averages, which may lead to an increase in acute diseases such as colds or flu.”

Likewise, the official noted that “influenza illness and other acute respiratory infections such as the flu and the common cold, the symptoms can be manageable at home and that the discomfort can last between three to five days. The symptoms for their part are associated with nasal congestion, watery eyes, irritated throat, chills, sneezing and discharge from the nose.”

“In any case, the most important thing is to self-isolate while you have symptoms and it is recommended that not only the sick person but also the whole family do so, maintain hydration with home remedies, before fever put warm water cloths on armpits and groin, do not self-medicate and consult health services through the EPS only before alarm signs. “One aspect to suspect if it is covid-19, is if there was contact with a person suspected or diagnosed with the disease,” Cárdenas said.

Recommendations to avoid ARI, given by the Deputy Director of Communicable Diseases are:

• Constantly wash your hands with soap and water.

• Wear masks in enclosed spaces, especially in gardens,

schools, geriatric centers.

• Persistently clean and disinfect household surfaces and


• Avoid the presence of smoke inside homes and provide

ventilation and natural lighting.

• Avoid crowds.

• Avoid sudden changes in temperature.

• Avoid touching your face, mouth and eyes.

• Do not forget the vaccination schedule in groups most vulnerable to ARI: children under 6 years of age, adults over 60 years old, people with comorbidities and pregnant women.

• Do not neglect breastfeeding in children under 6 months of age.

Cárdenas stressed that if you have symptoms, you must follow the following measures:

• Self-isolate with the family nucleus.

• Intensify hand washing and surface cleaning and disinfection.

• Increase fluid frequency and give food in portions

small, most often.

• Control fever with physical methods and exclusively with previously formulated drugs, do not self-medicate.

• Contact EPS if you have any warning signs.

Finally, he invited the completion of regular vaccination schedules in children, vaccination against covid-19 including reinforcement and strengthening institutional actions in the care of these events.