'MasterChef Celebrity' returned with a tough test where diners were recognized actors and presenters

In an atypical test where the contestants endured cold and were in the rain, the team led by Aco Pérez won and was saved from entering a new stage of elimination


After a break for Easter, the contestants of 'MasterChef Celebrity' put on their aprons again to return to the most famous cuisine in the world. The chefs had a surprise prepared for each of the celebrities, but first, they had to remember who the captains were in the team challenge to be played on Monday night.

Aco Pérez and Estiwar G were the leaders of two teams, leaving a third without a command voice, and by lot, the Valledupar born was the first to choose the members of his squad, which was the red one. Aida Morales, Tatán, Christina and Manuela were selected, while the influencer chose Carlos Aida Morales, Ramiro Meneses and Tostao.

In the blue team, by discard, were Isabella, Pamela, Chicho and Natalia Ramírez. Everyone had 60 minutes to make sandwiches with various types of bread but with one protein in common: flat ones. In addition, they had to prepare at least two sauces.

The diners were not the chefs, but each group had to make 30 dishes that were later distributed in the facilities of Canal RCN, from the news program to the recording sets of productions such as 'Te dedico la' and 'Nurses'. Thus, celebrities began to streamline their creations to satisfy their colleagues.

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During the test, the team that Isabella and Natalia came to lead were watered with salsa, putting the blues at a disadvantage compared to the other participants. That incident, together with the lack of organization, took its toll when it came to judging his creations. Everyone toured the different locations of the channel, and some got several surprises, starting with Aida Morales, who met Carmen Villalobos, the actress with whom she made her television debut.

Subsequently, the actors and presenters voted for their favorite dish, and already in the kitchen, the chefs took care of counting the votes. The red team, led by Aco, won the challenge. And the fact is that the actor's convincing power was a trigger when it came to deciding, as well as the flavor of his preparation. The purple team, by contrast, did not provide a generous portion of meat and so did the juries know. Blue was the one with the worst performance, and the latter two had to wear the black apron.

“Getting perfect food is easy, getting perfect, hot food is difficult,” Jorge Rausch said in conclusion.

The challenge of salvation: the last letter of the sentenced

With Aida M, Tatan, Christina, Manuela and Aco Pérez in the lounge along with Carpentier, the sentenced men came to another test of salvation. The base ingredient was salt and each one had to choose, under the traditional game of 'making pairs', the type of salt and the dish they should make.

Tostao was lucky enough to choose, on his first shift, to take off his black apron, and Carlos had a slight lead of 10 minutes. Isabella, Pamela, Chicho, Natalia, Estiwar G, Carlos, Aida, Ramiro Meneses and Tostao will have 50 minutes to make, from grilled preparations, to shrimp and salted trout.

Finally, the saved contestants stated that Meneses had another advantage with his gourmet preparation, which he will have to make with pink Himalayan salt.

