'Las Villamizar': the best memes and reactions to the first chapter of the new TV series

The production starring María José Vargas, Estefanía Piñeres and Shany Nadan, will be airing after the 'Challenge: The Box'.

Last Monday night, Caracol Televisión premiered on its programming grid 'Las Villamizar', a period soap opera that tells the story of sisters Carolina (Estefanía Piñeres), Isabela (María José Vargas) and Leonor (Shany Nadan), who are raised by their father under the ideals of vengeance, after that his mother was killed by a Spanish colonel.

As expected, this new bet of the channel received a good response from the public, which placed it in third place in the Colombian rating, with an audience score of 9. 61.

In addition, social networks were filled with memes and reactions to the first chapter, which wanted to give some context to the story, which takes place during 1816, in the middle of the Spanish reconquest.

Estefanía Piñeres was another of those who reacted to the premiere and through her Instagram account she was proud to be part of a project that, she says, can change the perspective of women.

Perhaps one of the most relevant opinions was issued by journalist Carlos Ochoa, known as the 'television bible', who said that the first episode of 'Las Villamizar' was “very weak” and, of course, explained his reasons.

As for some characters, the also host of Teleantioquia said that it was a “waste” to murder in the first episode the character of Coraima Torres (mother of the Villamizar), whom he considers to be a magnificent actress. While about Luis Meza, he asserted that he looks good as an “autumn hunk”, but “he lacks strength”.

Another criticism of the expert focused on the fact that the Villamizar sisters have been instilled in them to be vindictive since they were young, as he warns that this could not be seen well by many viewers.

Finally, he stressed that the positive points were the performance of Alexandra Restrepo as the villain of the story, as well as the costumes, scenery and setting.

As Carlos Ochoa mentioned, 'Las Villamizar', directed by Mateo Stivelberg, is characterized by dramatic scenes of adventure, suspense and action, recorded in Colombian locations such as Santander, Villa de Leyva and Bogotá.

In fact, this whole plot represented great challenges for its protagonists, such as having to learn to wear capes, dresses and combat clothing, as well as teaching themselves to handle sabers, knives and guns of the time.