How to install an ergonomic desk for a schoolboy at home

Whoever had to work a lot at home during the pandemic knows what it means to spend hours and hours at the kitchen table. For the back, for the posture... it's really bad. And the same happens with children, who often do their homework at the dining table.

HANDOUT - Una silla de escritorio ajustable en altura y con respaldo reclinable permite acompañar el crecimiento del escolar. El color claro del escritorio evita que se formen contrastes fuertes con el blanco del papel, lo que cansaría más la vista. Foto: DGM/PAIDI/dpa - ATENCIÓN: Sólo para uso editorial con el texto adjunto y mencionando el crédito completo
HANDOUT - Una silla de escritorio ajustable en altura y con respaldo reclinable permite acompañar el crecimiento del escolar. El color claro del escritorio evita que se formen contrastes fuertes con el blanco del papel, lo que cansaría más la vista. Foto: DGM/PAIDI/dpa - ATENCIÓN: Sólo para uso editorial con el texto adjunto y mencionando el crédito completo

Whoever had to work a lot at home during the pandemic knows what it means to spend hours and hours at the kitchen table. For the back, for the posture... it's really bad. And the same happens with children, who often do their homework at the dining table.

“Basically, the requirements for a job at home for a child are similar to those of an adult,” says the general director of the German Furniture Association, Jochen Winning.

“However, it should be considered that children are still growing and that their spine is developing and sensitive,” he says.

Therefore, in order not to risk having problems with posture at an early age, parents should also select the work furniture of schoolchildren taking into account ergonomic aspects.

This means that a desk chair must be adjustable in height and the backrest must be reclining. It is then adjusted so that the seat is at knee height without pressing on the back of the knees.

“The ideal is a distance of five centimeters between the front edge of the chair and the back of the knee, which can be easily adjusted with a chair that has an adjustable seat depth,” explains Winning.

When sitting, the feet should be able to rest completely on the floor, and the thigh and leg should form an angle of 90 degrees or more.

“The angle between arms and forearms should also be 90 degrees or more when the forearms are horizontally supported on the desk,” says the furniture expert.

“There should be room for freedom of movement between the tabletop and the legs, and the backrest should support the pelvis without squeezing or forcing a rigid sitting posture. However, the upper body should be able to move vigorously in one direction or another, since this dynamic form when sitting favors posture.

And Winning remembers that young children grow up especially fast. “Once or twice a year, the posture in which they sit should be checked and, if necessary, improved.”

Logically, the desktop must also be able to accompany growth. “Ideally, you can also change the inclination,” says the expert.

“The desk surface should be as glossy and matte as possible, because strong contrasts, for example with white paper, can tire the eye more quickly,” he adds.

The children already sit down to work at the computer during primary school. And they should be located in such a way that there is a distance of at least 80 centimeters between the view and the screen.

“Look straight or slightly down to relieve tension in the neck and neck,” Winning advises. External monitors can be adjusted in this way, while there are variable supports for laptops and tablets.

The computer must be positioned in such a way that there are no reflections or contrasts that are too strong to affect eyesight. Therefore, the specialized portal for the lighting sector recommends that both the desk and the screen be placed side to the window, so that there is enough light in the workplace, but without blinding.

A space for carrying out schoolwork not only requires a desk lamp, but the room requires good base lighting.

A light spread regularly in space encourages concentration. Because, as explains, this relieves the eyes, since they do not have to constantly adjust to the different brightness levels of the room when they look around.

Mostly indirect light on ceilings and walls, for example from wall lights or floor lamps, is often perceived as pleasant. As an alternative, experts recommend diffused ceiling luminaires or rail systems with wide-beam luminaires.

And, directly at the workplace, the lighting must consist of two components: an anti-reflective pendant lamp with components of direct and indirect light placed on the desk and a rotating and adjustable table light.


latter should be placed in such a way that the writing hand does not cast any shadow. That is, in the case of right-handed people, on the left side of the workspace, and in the case of left-handed people, on the right.

When working in front of the screen or on glossy surfaces, the light must be positioned in such a way that no reflection is generated.

