Why dog and cat can be friends despite their instincts

For the innate behavior of canines, although not all respond to that impulse, cats are furry and look like rabbits that must be chased. How to improve your relationship

It is possible that our dog is not a great hunter. He is most likely hundreds of generations away from his closest hunter ancestor, but his body still carries the traits of a hunting machine.

Just look at their sharp incisor teeth, or eyes that have thousands of more motion receptors than people's eyes. We see color. Dogs see the action. Everything designed by nature for hunting as a fundamental activity.

Dogs have an impulse that causes them to instinctively chase anything that runs. And cats do know how to run. The sudden feline movement sends a message to their brains: “Pursue him.” And that's what they do.

Of course, there are some dogs who wouldn't get up to run after a cat or because of a bet. Mature dogs and those with low-key personalities would rather sleep than chase. In the case of those dogs that have been raised with cats since puppies, they are much less likely to chase cats than those who do not have feline friendships.

While the urge to chase is still alive in modern dogs, that of killing prey has largely died out.

Cats excite dogs who like to chase them. But once they have them cornered, they forget why they wanted them like that. Many dogs, in that circumstance of having the cat at their disposal, will only bark in frustration because they don't know what to do next.

Whatever the final intention, the result is generally the same because cats are faster and more agile. As they can jump tremendous distances and climb steep surfaces, they usually get away from chases without having suffered even a scratch.

Dogs that have been bred to hunt, to be guardians or to work with other animals, such as Retrievers, Rottweilers, and Border Collies, are among the most incorrigible cat chasers. So are dogs with high energy levels such as Terriers and Dalmatians.

Dog breeds less likely to chase cats (or anything else) include Basset Hounds, Boston Terriers, Pyrenees Mountain and Newfoundland.

How to improve the coexistence between dogs and cats

The enmity between dog and cat is undoubtedly proverbial, but humans, by whim or ignorance, more than once want both species to live together in harmony without asking any of the protagonists of the encounter what their will be. In any case, it should be noted that, if the problems between them are very large, it is best to turn to a professional so that he can help and that consultation is much better done before making the decision to incorporate one or the other into everyday life.

It is essential to start with the presentation of each other so that from the first moment they accept or know what the reaction is and from whom and try to correct it. For the specific case of the cat, it is necessary that it has a “safety zone” in which it can feel comfortable, protected and feel that it has the possibility of fleeing from any threat. In addition to providing the cat with tall elements such as ledges, tower scratching posts or walkways to take refuge, beyond the reach of its hypothetical canine threat.

When it comes to presenting them, prudence is the virtue that must prevail. If we are not sure what the attitude of the dog is going to be, we can keep it tied or we can present them with a fence through. They must first be smelled, with a door in between and it is important to observe the attitude towards the new stimulus. Then grate by allowing them to see each other. Finally and prudently allow the face-to-face meeting with the precautions of the case. The normal thing is that a priori both are tense and hostile, and it will be time and our good judgment that will determine the evolution of the encounter.

*Prof. Dr. Juan Enrique Romero @drromerook is a veterinary physician. Specialist in University Education. Master's Degree in Psychoimmunoneuroendocrinology. Former Director of the Small Animal School Hospital (UNLPAM). University Professor at several Argentine universities. International lecturer.