What is the real name of Frederica de Kabah and her brother Apio

The singer is currently part of the Chamber of Deputies

Federica Quijano recognized for being a member of one of the most representative nineties pop groups in Mexico Kabah ibis currently part of the Chamber of Deputies. Last Sunday, April 17, the deputy participated in the vote for the Electric Reform and caused a stir her real name: Janine Patricia Quijano Tapia.

On Twitter his name became a trend because many people didn't know that his name was not actually Federica. Although she is apparently not the first in her family to be known for having a different name than the real one, since her brother Apio Quijano his name is actually Hector Andre Quijano Tapia.

She gave her the nickname when they started in the group because when he was younger he had a wider complexion, with rehearsals he lost weight, he left his hair long and that is why the singer told him “you look like a celery” and he kept the nickname.

Apio Quijano, Héctor André Quijano Tapia en una fotografía compartida en Instagram. Ig: federicaquijano

Hector Quijano moved a little away from the spotlight to dedicate himself to developing his spiritual side and getting into alternative medicine. He has written several books such as 365 tips to change your life; Dream that you have wings and Awake in me.

During the years he has been away from the entertainment scene, he focused on alternative medicines studying Bach Flowers, physiognomy, anatomy, nutrition, iridology, neurolinguistic programming, homeopathy and herbalism at the Holistic University of Mexico.

For her part, Janine Quijano is a member of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico, she has been part of the LXV Federal Legislature since August 29, 2021, since she has had an administrative career since 2009 when she was part of the Attorney General's Office of the Federal District.

Federica Quijano, cantante del grupo musical Kabah y actualmente diputada de Yucatán. Ig: federicaquijano apioquijano

He is currently in the public eye after reacting through Twitter with a sad face emoji to the decision to revoke Andrés Manuel López Obrador's proposal on the Electricity Reform.

The deputy from Yucatan was part of the 275 votes in favor. A few days ago she was questioned on social networks for her opinion, to which she replied that she did not know the subject very well and that whatever you do will always look bad with someone.

Then a Twitter user asked him not to miss and that his vote be conscientious and free, Federica replied:

It is clear that the commentary on her work on disability issues referred to her active participation in various causes such as the Imagina en Movimiento Foundation for people with autism. The deputy has faced severe changes in her life due to the autism of her son Sebastian.

Fotografía de Federica Quijano en concierto. Ig: federicaquijano apioquijano

Regardless of the difficulties she has had to go through, she has said that her children are the most important thing to her. It was in 2005 that she said that endometriosis had not allowed her to have babies, but she decided to adopt. She first adopted Maria Quijano Tapia, the girl was given to her at 3 months of age in 2005. Then in 2008, after some problems with adoption, Federica managed to become Sebastian's mother.