Top 9 of the funniest and most viral videos of Easter

Disguised pets, unexpected attitudes and some loss of balance starred in the most watched clips these days

During this Holy Week and some days before, a large amount of content went viral on the networks, as is often the case on other important dates for users: be they religious celebrations, such as national dates or other holidays.

On this occasion, religious content was popularized, alluding to this Christian holiday; as well as many clips related to rest that could be enjoyed during these days. And besides, there was a lot of material circulating that appeals to humor. So we saw videos of errors, loss of balance and other material mentioned below.

1. A scare that was almost a fall

The video shows how the person representing Jesus almost fell off the cross that was moved through the streets in the framework of a Way of the Cross. Fortunately, it was just a scare as the people standing next to him were able to hold him before he went to the ground.

2. They ask for respect

During a scene in the Way of the Cross, the actor representing Jesus says “today you will be in paradise with me” and then the audience is heard whistling. Whoever leads the event requests silence and respect for that moment.

3. A “divine punishment”

The video shows a group of actors who seek to recreate the whipping that Jesus received before being sacrificed. The man who represented one of the Roman soldiers, as soon as he gives the first scourge to the person who played the role of Jesus, falls face to the ground, something that aroused the comments of the audience. The content went viral with the following comment “For hitting God”, alluding to the fact that this fall was a kind of divine punishment. Everything was taken with a humor.

4. A cross made of beer crates

Another of the videos that went viral the most shows a man dressed in antique clothes carrying a cross made of empty beer drawers. He also holds this drink in his hand, as he travels down the street.

5. The altar falls

This video shows how after going down a small step from the church, those who carried the altar lose their balance and it falls down. As you can see, small falls or minor accidents that end in laughter usually generate peak views on the networks.

6. He escapes the lashes

In this case, the video shows how the actor who represents Jesus seeks to avoid the lashes hit by the other actor who acts as a Roman soldier. Apparently the blows were stronger than expected, so you want to escape from that situation, but in doing so, you run a few steps and accidentally hit the person who was there.

7. Dodge the blows

Following the same imprint of the previous video, this material shows how the actor who plays Jesus on a Way of the Cross, not only seeks to avoid the blows that the man who represents a soldier provokes, but also decides to kick away the lashes. This is how he is seen avoiding the situation, using his whole body, and without losing his balance even though his arms are tied on the cross.

8. The dog defends him by barking

Pets are always trending on social media and this was no exception. Here you can see how a dog does not stop barking while watching the representation of the moments that precede Jesus' crucifixion. The dog was trying to take care of the actor who received the mistreatment in the context of the performance. As you can imagine, he is not able to understand that it is a representation and reacts by believing that the person is going through a situation of real abuse.

9. Nazarene kitten

A lot of videos of cats and dogs dressed as Nazarenes have been circulating these days. Here, one of the many clips that can be seen in which users used their imagination to dress up their animals. There were also very popular videos in which they not only see different pets characterized in this way, but also placed on robotic vacuum cleaners to move around the home in this way.