REDIM: 1 in 5 cases of missing minors occurs in the Edomex

After this entity, the states with the highest rate of disappearance of children and adolescents are Tamaulipas and Jalisco

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 13DICIEMBRE2021.- Integrantes de colectivos de familiares de desaparición forzada en Guanajuato realizaron un mitin y una simulación de Fosas frente a Palacio Nacional con el fin de ser atendidos por Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidente de México por sus declaraciones en la ONU respecto al tema. FOTO: ANDREA MURCIA /CUARTOSCURO.COM

Overall, it is known that today, according to the analyzes carried out by the Network for the Rights of the Child (REDIM), with recent data it can be said that every day 14 people between 0 and 17 years are reported missing.

However, according to the press conference issued on April 18, each region of the country has its own peculiarities and forms in which minors disappear.

Given this, it is known that the three states with the highest number of cases are: Tamaulipas, Jalisco and the State of Mexico. In the latter, the data, according to the director of the NGO, are alarming, since one in five cases reported were recorded in that demarcation.

It should be noted that this problem is not new: according to information published in the Report on Persons, Circumstances and Other Data Relevant to Understanding Disappearance in the State of Mexico, 5,537 disappeared in 2017, 6,464 in 2018, 6,863 in 2019 and 6,087 last year.


The majority of victims of disappearances in the State of Mexico are women between 12 and 17 years of age, students and they occur in broad daylight. Of the 36,135 missing persons located in the State of Mexico between January 2015 and September 2021, 19,964 (55.2%) were women.

At the same time, the Children's Rights Network has noted that gender-based violence, represented in femicide and trafficking, or abduction, for the purposes of exploitation, sexual exploitation or commercial sexual exploitation, has become the main cause of the disappearance of girls and adolescents in the areas urban areas of the State of Mexico.


On the other hand, in the case of the other two states with the highest recorded number of missing children and adolescents, one in 10 has been registered in Tamaulipas (1,704 in total). And 7.5% have been reported in Jalisco (1,231 cases in total). Four out of ten cases are concentrated in these three entities.

It should be pointed out that the analysis arose from the visit of the Commission against Enforced Disappearances delegated by the United Nations Organization in the face of the crisis of disappearances in the country.

Given the data and information available in the National Registry of Disappeared and Unlocated Persons, it was revealed that there are more than 16,000 missing children in Mexico.

According to analyzes carried out by the NGO, for every 100 people from 0 to 17 years old located, one has been found lifeless since it was registered.


In total, 710 children and adolescents reported missing or unlocated have been found lifeless as of April 11, 2022.

“The RNPDNO does not provide information on the status of persons who were found alive, although some of them may have suffered violence,” the report describes.

According to the data consulted, since registration (that is, since 1964), 82,328 children and adolescents have been reported in this situation and one in five of these persons remains missing or unlocated until April 11, 2022.