Opposition celebrated setback to AMLO reform with national anthem at the top of their lungs: “Defeat for populism”

The panistas sang, the PRI's celebrated and the Perredistas congratulated the citizens, this is how the promise fulfilled by the coalition after the Electric Reform was lived

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 17ABRIL2022.- Da inicio la sesión ordinaria en la Cámara de Diputados donde los legisladores discutirán el dictamen de la Reforma Eléctrica enviada por el ejecutivo. FOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, 17ABRIL2022.- Da inicio la sesión ordinaria en la Cámara de Diputados donde los legisladores discutirán el dictamen de la Reforma Eléctrica enviada por el ejecutivo. FOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /CUARTOSCURO.COM

The opposition parties, PAN, PRI PRD and even Movimiento Ciudadano came together to remove Morena's qualified majority during the Electricity Reform vote. By collecting 223 votes against, compared to 275 in favor, the initiative of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, was rejected.

The first reactions of the deputies were within the Congress of the Union itself, where they celebrated at the rhythm of a coordinated pool with their voice: “Mexico, Mexico, Mexico”. Then, all together, they sang the national anthem and some, with their fist up, ended with a “Viva México”.

The national anthem to celebrate the defeat of populism,” Gabriel Quadri posted, for example, on his social networks along with the video of the moment.

The vote by the opposition swept red dots on the screen of the Chamber of Deputies, that is, against it. In addition, Gamino García Rocío Alexis, and Pintos Caballero Andrés of the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) joined.

And as promised on his social networks, Carlos Miguel Aysa Damas of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) voted in favor of the Electric Reform, contrary to its entire bench, led by the party's also national president, Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, Alito.


But the celebrations continued through social networks, where not only did they publish the moments after knowing the result, they also scored various victories both personal and group.

“We managed to stop López's aberrant electric counter-reform (...) It is a historic moment, a historic defeat for populism, for the president, and a turning point in his misrule,” published the panist Gabriel Quadri.

Mariana Gómez del Campo, from the same opposition bloc, published a photograph from the Chamber where he can be seen carrying the Mexican flag with his fist raised and assured that the Bartlett Law died.

“This photo says it all and the most important thing is that the united OPPOSITION will never be defeated. To continue fighting for Mexico. For the first time we are stopping a harmful Constitutional Reform sent by the President of the Republic...”, he wrote on his official Twitter.


Victor Pérez Díaz joined the celebrations, who posted a new video through his social networks. In it, you can see that deputies from the PAN bench gathered to perform with great joy the anthem of their party, while they hugged, greeted and smiled at each other.

Alejandro Moreno, deputy and national president of the PRI, did the same through his social networks, where he congratulated all the members of his bench on the result proposed and achieved during the voting on the unreserved articles.

“I recognize the loyalty and courage of the opposition deputies, especially the 70 PRI's, for having kept their word with honour. Tonight will be marked in history, always advancing on the side of the citizenry. Mexico comes first!” , he wrote.


And the deputies of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) also joined with a group publication through the official networks of the Perredists in Congress:

“#México won, clean energy won, young people won, your family won, your causes won, you won. Thanks to you today we became a homeland, we discarded #LeyBartlett, the causes of #PRD are the causes of the people,” they wrote on their Twitter account.

