Natalia Alcocer and Alicia Machado lashed out against Roberto Romano

The former Miss Universe announced the end of her romantic relationship with Mexican history at the end of last year


The famous Mexican actor Roberto Romano recently found himself in the eye of the hurricane, as there are more and more former couples who complain about the relationship they had with the artist, so it was confirmed that he is carrying out a deal that leaves women without wanting to even remember his name again.

It was on the show La Mesa Caliente, in the section of Things between Divas and Famosos, that they shared an interview with Natalia Alcocer, who is remembered for her participation in the second season of Survivor Mexico and who today confirmed her arrival on the reality show, La Casa de los Famosos , in its new issue.

In this interview, and in connection with her presence in the aforementioned show, on the afternoon of April 14, Alcocer made several statements in which she did not leave her former partner well standing, since after being questioned by the presenters about the romance she had with actor Roberto Romano, Natalia even denied knowing the name of the person they were talking about.


“From whom? I don't know who he is, really. No, I don't know who it is. The truth is that in my life there are pure important people, pure beautiful people and then people, sorry for the word, but people shit*, nor in memory, then, well not. I don't know who it is,” said Natalia Alcocer.

Faced with this situation, the host Verónica Bastos added to her program that after this controversy, a social media user highlighted that Romano's only wife and ex-partner, who spoke well of him, would have been only the former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, who announced her breakup at the end of 2021.

“The only ex who speaks well of him yet @machadooficial,” commented a follower in a post on the official Instagram account Suelta La Sopa, to which the actress quickly replied: “@jarzsb I correct you I don't speak well, I just don't speak well.”


What he left in the unknown, since the actions that Roberto performs at the time of having a partner remain secret, so it was speculated that the actor probably follows “some kind” of behavior that led to his former girlfriends not even wanting to remember a moment by his side.

So far, Roberto Romano, also a former participant of the Telemundo reality show, has not made statements anywhere about the reaction to his romances no doubt, none of them were satisfied with the relationship they shared with the artist.

In 2021 Alicia Machado confirmed her romance with the Mexican actor after speculations that arose in the previously mentioned show. So the Venezuelan decided to answer questions about her love life.

“Roberto and I do have a relationship right now, we are very happy to have come out of that very successful show and that we met, so we are giving ourselves a chance and we decided between the two of us,” the model said in an interview for the program Suelta la Sopa.


Later, the actors announced their breakup on social media. For her part, Alicia shared the following message to her followers on Instagram:

“True female empowerment is in our actions rather than in our words. Knowing how to discern what we want and need in our lives is crucial. Be careful 2022 that I am with everything, more sure of myself than ever, grateful for the love of my audience, SINGLE, with an armored and vaccinated heart”

On the other hand, Machado's followers soon realized the actress's strong message, so they asked Roberto Romano if he was single, to which he affirmed such a question.