Gaitanistas Self-Defense Forces Announce Gun Plan in Barrancabermeja

In the pamphlet they threaten alleged criminals and the authorities of the municipality

Bogotá, marzo 18 de 2015.- Con un fuerte rechazo, el Centro Democrático en Norte de Santander, lamentó el atentado contra el candidato al Concejo de Cúcuta, por esa colectividad, Diego Villamizar Salinas, registrado el 11 de marzo a las 10:00 de la noche.  (Colprensa)
Bogotá, marzo 18 de 2015.- Con un fuerte rechazo, el Centro Democrático en Norte de Santander, lamentó el atentado contra el candidato al Concejo de Cúcuta, por esa colectividad, Diego Villamizar Salinas, registrado el 11 de marzo a las 10:00 de la noche. (Colprensa)

On April 18, social leader Óscar Sampayo denounced on his Twitter account a new threat from the paramilitaries against several citizens of Barrancabermeja, Santander. The political scientist showed the pamphlet that is already circulating in the streets of the area and announcing a plan to spread terror.

According to the threatening pamphlet, the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces of Colombia announce a pistol plan against drug dealers, “Venezuelan thieves” and people who are allegedly collaborators of other criminal gangs.

The text contains a long list of people whom the paramilitary and terrorist group threatens to die and accuses them of being guilty of acts of violence in Barrancabermeja.


But not only do they threaten other criminals, but the AGC declared war on the police, servants of the Sijin and the CTI. Due to the seriousness of the allegations, the Magdalena Medio Police began the search for the people who disseminated the statement, according to RCN Radio.

In the pamphlet, the paramilitaries give 48 hours for those who were threatened to leave Barrancabermeja, as they were considered a military target.

In a statement, the CRY-GEAM and the Magdalena Medio Socio-Environmental Participation and Consultation Committee rejected and condemned the acts of violence that occurred in Barrancabermeja.

The signatory organizations say there is concern about the increase in murders in the different municipalities of Magdalena Medio.

They also condemned the allegations made against members of the Police and SIJIN, it is important that the institution respond to these accusations.”

“We call on the authorities and institutions of the Colombian State to assume their commitment and responsibility to protect life and human rights. We don't want any more war in Magdalena Medio and Barrancabermeja, no more murders, kidnappings, displacements and exiles,” said the social organizations.

