Viral on TikTok: Workers were challenged to recite the creed to rest on Good Friday

They realized that they did not know the letters and that is how they looked for a way to justify the request for a day off on Good Friday. The video is viral on TikTok.


At Easter you can go on a trip and return to your hometown where you share religious holidays and they are also times to rest from work stress. Not only that, some manage to ask for days off, although not all employers give in to that application without first passing a test. This is the case of a viral video on TikTok where employees of a job were challenged to sing the creed to have their break on Good Friday.

It happened in Mexico, and on the social network it has already gone viral. The clip shows the employer who is citizen Charli Martell (@ charli_martell) and his workers were asking for a day off on Friday. However, Martell called those who requested a holiday as “atheists” because they did not want to work during the holiday.


That is why he had an ingenious idea: that they recite the creed by letter, without stuttering so that he knows if they are believers or know what is being celebrated at this time. If the challenge was successful, there was rest. However, he realized that most were unaware of this sentence and much less could say it in a running way, to the point that they began to laugh at their nerves.

They did not pass either the group or the individual test. Some stayed in the middle of the sentence, others forgot about the verses. As a result, they did not pass any tests and believed that they should work the next day. But it was all a hoax, as the boss surprised them on Friday by telling them that it was a dynamic to relax them in the face of the daily stress in the work environment.

There was a break for employees, who will now take internships for the creed and begin to appreciate what these holidays represent for other citizens.

They challenged employees of a workplace to recite the Holy Week creed to rest on Good Friday. Video: TikTok/ @charli_martell.


The method, despite being curious and viral, generated division in the social network, some described the use of the creed as excessive, while others took it with humor:

- “I would have sung: 'Wherever you go I will go, with a blindfold on my eyes', they did not say which of the creeds they had to say”,

- “You are my creed, piece of heaven, hold me tight, my good luck clover”

- “They would have fulfilled them and that it was. I, in a job, they told us that it was your relative who died, I said, 'yes, he is the father of all'”

- “But, my Jesus was born and died for our holidays. Why shouldn't I enjoy it?” ,

- “I am an atheist, but I have been the creed since I was 5 years old”

- “God is not a reason for mockery, but it is true that, like Christmas, they only use these holidays as rest”.


In case you're not familiar with this concept, a viral video is a video that becomes popular after several people share and like it through the internet through social networks, online services or specialized websites such as YouTube.

The reason why it is shared and 'liked', is because it causes a stir and impact on those who see it or are identified with the situation. This causes them to spread it to all their acquaintances, and they in turn with their close circles and so on until the clip reaches millions of views.

A viral video can have various types of content, ranging from humorous, emotional and even tragedy. Although tragic content can often reach to hurt susceptibilities, precisely these are the ones who get the most reproductions and shares in a short time.