Tractomula ended up inside a house in the Meissen neighborhood, south of Bogotá

The accident would have left at least one person injured, transferred to a health care facility. The authorities are trying to lift the vehicle


A spectacular accident occurred this Sunday morning in the Meissen sector, in the town of Ciudad Bolívar, in the south of Bogotá. A truck carrying a cargo container ended up with the cabin inside a house.

As reported by the Bogotá Fire Department, the event occurred in the 17A bis race with 63 sur street, which would be the Mexico neighborhood of the Meissen sector. Apparently, the vehicle was going down the street from Boyacá Avenue, a narrow route for this type of tractor truck, and lost control of the vehicle until it hit the house on the corner.

In the known images, you can see the cabin that would have hit the wall on the first floor, at the height of a sale. It broke the wall and embedded itself with the front. The upper part of the body was crushed against the second floor of the building. After the crash, the container of the vehicle hit the house opposite, on the side of the race.


The tractomule could not turn to the street because it is against the road. In addition, cargo vehicles are restricted from driving during this Easter Sunday. Near the place is a school, as well as the No. 19 Police Station in Ciudad Bolivar, which is behind the scene of the accident.

“Firefighters from Candelaria Station, with support from the Technical Rescue Team, rescued and provided pre-hospital care to a person who was injured after the collision of a heavy-duty vehicle with the house,” the emergency team reported.

Witnesses to the incident indicate that the injured person would be the driver of the tractomule, who would have suffered several injuries as a result of the collision. The firefighters had to rescue him by being trapped inside the bodywork and was transferred by the Ministry of Health for medical attention.

They also argue that the cause of the accident would have been a micro dream. However, the reason for the collision is unknown so far. As a result of the accident, there was a fuel spill at the scene that was handled by the emergency department.

On the morning of this Holy Thursday, the authorities and the Vía 40 Express concession reported that a minibus had an accident at kilometer 43 of the Bogotá-Melgar highway, causing complications in the mobility in this road corridor.

The accident occurred, as reported by Tránsito y Transporte de Cundinamarca, around 2 a.m. at kilometer 43, in the sector known as Boquerón, where a special service vehicle type minibus, with SOQ 573 plates, traveling in the direction Bogotá - Girardot, collided with the mountain “causing a lateral overturn”.

According to information from Semana, the minibus, which was traveling with 13 people, ended up overturned on the road, leaving nine people injured, six adults between the ages of 29 and 64, and three minors between the ages of seven and 17, who were sent to the Luis Pasteur Hospital, in the municipality of Melgar, Tolima.

“We have nine people injured, they are three minors, one with resuscitation with spinal trauma and another two with fewer health situations. Of the six adults there are two in resuscitation and the other four are stable,” Jorge Bolívar, Tolima's Health Secretary, told RCN Radio.

And in dialogue with La FM, he added that “of the six injured adults, one of them has facial trauma and another has a diagnosis of craniocerebral trauma, so a transfer to another more complex care center is not ruled out. Meanwhile, the remaining four remain stable.”

