“The last time I did a series they were sucked from me because I had a sick time”: Natalia Durán, about her illness

The actress, who more than a year ago revealed her health condition, talked about the whole process that has been battling with the disease and abuse of her biological father.

Natalia Durán's followers were surprised when through her Instagram account, the actress revealed that she suffered from thyroid cancer, so she has gone through a tough recovery process from each of the interventions she has undergone to fight her disease.

In an interview with the gossip program 'La Red' on Saturday, April 16, the artist told what it has been like to carry out this process since she learned that she suffered from the fearsome disease and that, in addition to thyroid cancer, she also suffers from Asia Syndrome.

“When the body starts to decay and decay, the thoughts agree with that... I start to lose many faculties and among those my memory, very strong, I still find it difficult to speak fluently to find the words they are and the librettos cost me more every day”, revealed Natalia Durán for the program 'La Red'.

And he added: “I started to lose jobs... the last time I did a series they were obviously sucked by me because I had a sick time the whole series, from 'Open Heart' I started to get sick.”

She revealed that at first when she began to feel the first ailments, she was repeatedly hospitalized, which began with cardiac arrhythmias, syncope, meningitis, infections, among other conditions, which led her to lose several jobs because of the times she had to go to the doctor to get the energy out and get on with his life.

“... I was exposed to antibiotics of very wide spectrum and the only one was a doctor in the emergency room who told me when she saw me that this could be an autoimmune disease, but because in the emergency room it's not a deeper follow-up... that's why I went to an internist and with them you have this whole research process to start discard and clarify everything,” added the actress to the Caracol Televisión gossip program.

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With the problems of her illness also came emotional difficulties, as she revealed that more than 10 years ago she began to experience very toxic relationships in which she felt insufficient, so she decided to start reading a book that helped her to get rid of those ties that were also related to the abuse she was a victim of by of his dad and two cousins.

“It was a dad who sexually abused me until I was 3 years old (...) He abused me in every way, violently, sexually, mistreated my mom in front of me. He abused her too,” he said on March 30 about this man, who has already died.

He also added to 'La Red': “... the imprints of abuse are very strong, they generate dysmorphia and discomfort in the lack of acceptance of who you are, of what you look like and that something is very wrong with your body... it was very strong but at the same time this therapy was very revealing because at the same time you have an answer to many things”.