Sergio Fajardo responds to Petro for his alleged defense: “Your memory is very selective”

The dispute between the candidates has been growing since the scandal that came to light over Juan Fernando Petro's visit to Iván Moreno


Less than two months before the presidential elections, the Pact Histórico candidate, Gustavo Petro, continues to raise controversy for his justification of “social forgiveness”, after Caracol Radio revealed that the candidate's brother, Juan Fernando Petro, went to visit La Picota Prison to visit Ivan Moreno, former mayor of Bucaramanga and Former congressman convicted in the case of the recruitment carousel, as well as one of the natural heirs of the flags of the National People's Alliance — the party of Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, his grandfather, whose defeat in the 1970 presidential election caused the formation of the M-19 guerrilla, which Petro joined.

The last word crossings have been made with the other presidential candidates through social networks. One of those Sergio Fajardo, the candidate of the Esperanza Center Coalition, who questioned him his lack of coherence in the face of the messages he has sent him in recent months.

The former governor of Antioquia shared three screenshots of messages sent to him by the leader of Human Colombia. One of the images shows one of the answers given by Petro to Fajado's questioning of his concept of “social forgiveness”, where he accuses the candidate for the center, of having had paramilitary alliances: “Those who kill in Córdoba arose in Medellín sheltered by the pepes, one of whom was Castaño in Medellín managed by Don Berna, you @sergio_fajardo, allowed an alliance with him to reduce homicides in Medellin.”

In another, the left-wing candidate published a 2014 triune of the aspirant paisa, where he shared a photo of the Cauca river and pointed out that he was part of the Hidroituango project, in which the message of the member of Pact Histórico was: “Ecological crime on the Cauca river has two political leaders: Uribe and Fajardo”.

In the third, he shared a trill by Gustavo Petro where, contrary to the previous ones, it is evident in a title from a Colombian media outlet that at the time the left-wing presidential candidate defended the Centro candidate: “Petro defends Fajardo once again after announcement of prosecution charges.”


Using the three messages as evidence, Fajardo did not skimp and pointed out to Petro to sometimes defend him and sometimes lead attacks against him. In addition, he took the opportunity to ratify his criticism of the candidate for what happened in La Picota.

It is not the first pulla that the candidate throws from the center to his opponents. A few days ago, he noted that not only Petro, but also Federico Gutiérrez play “anything goes”, an expression that he has constantly used to ensure that the candidates who lead the polls are willing to do everything to win their presidency, including creating alliances with sectors historically questioned because of their relationship with some corruption scandals.

“While others compete among those who ally with the most corrupt because anything is fair to win, we tell Colombia: THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE, THERE IS A BETTER CHANGE!” , he said.

