The deputy counsel for children and adolescents of the Ombudsman's Office, Matilde Cobeña, pointed out that the institution considers chemical castration for juvenile rapists, proposed by the Executive Branch, is “inefficient”.
“It is an inefficient measure as a preventive method against crimes against sexual freedom. We already have the maximum sentences in Peru (...) We have life imprisonment as a penalty. Has this deterred the aggressors? Has this helped to reduce violence against children and adolescents?” , he stated in RPP Noticias.
He noted that “there is no evidence” that this method can contribute to the reduction of abuse of children and adolescents. In addition, he stressed that its implementation could have legal consequences for the country.
“Focusing on the criminal debate on chemical castration (...) in addition, will bring legal consequences to Peru for contravening treaties international human rights organizations in which it has committed itself to fulfilling certain obligations. Chemical castration is a departure from grief that has so far been inefficient,” he explained.
According to a statement issued by the National Coordinating Office for Human Rights (CNDDHH) and the CNDDHH Working Group against Torture in 2018, chemical castration “violates the fundamental right to dignity of the person and the constitutional principle of rehabilitation and social reintegration of the prisoner.”
In addition, it was indicated that it contravenes international treaties such as the American Convention and the United Nations Convention against Torture, which “prohibit the use of cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment against the person” - considering that in most countries where it was applied, it was voluntary.
The lawyer for the Ombudsman's Office also considered that continuing to debate penalties such as chemical castration for convicted of rape is “cyclical and unnecessary”, as the whole focus of justice is being placed on the aggressor and not on the victims
On the other hand, Cobeña believes that the authorities should “focus” on implementing preventive measures, which would contribute to the reduction of these crimes.
“We must focus on taking measures to prevent violence. What happens, for example, to implement Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI), what happens in having an education with a gender focus, where (...) all those who go to school or a child who goes to initial education, or children in their own homes, know that no one can violate them (...) adequate educational tools so that no boy or girl can be violated,” he said.
Cobeña also specified that the Office of the Ombudsman has detected that some public institutions would not be dealing efficiently with these cases of violence against minors. On this, they have already made the corresponding reports and are waiting for the Executive to act.
“For example, (...) we have discovered problems in the justice system. In the case of the Police who do not receive the complaint immediately (...) or that the Office of the Prosecutor has not issued the appropriate coercive measures. We see that the judge has not issued the appropriate protective measures for a victim. We have found cases in the midst of the pandemic (...) We have had aggressors living with the victims”, he said.