Make an Arequipa Easter Broth with a Peruvian Recipe

This dish is originally from Arequipa and is also known as soup of the seven meats or white broth. Learn how to prepare it in this note.


During Holy Week many families consume allegorical dishes to date and in Peru this custom is no exception, because it is one of the countries with a high percentage of religious fervor.

A clear example is that of the city of Arequipa, where a very consistent dish is prepared that is eaten with a spoon, fork and knife.

This dish is known as Easter broth, soup of the seven meats or white broth. Cooking it is not easy because of the amount of ingredients it has; however, its flavor is worth it.

In the white city there is a well-known tradition and according to local legends, the broth tasted better when the chicken was stolen. It is said that the young people of the Arequipa neighborhoods agreed among themselves to robbery so that there are no surprises.

Below we will show you the recipe for this broth, take note and let's cook!

Quantity: 8 people

Utensils: 2 to 3 pots, ladles and spatulas


- 500 grams of lamb meat.

- 500 grams of pork meat.

- 500 grams of beef.

- 1 chicken.

- 100 grams of jerky.

- 250 grams of chalona.

- A quarter of a kid's breast.

- 8 white potatoes.

- 4 chuños soaked and split in half.

- 300 grams of soaked chickpeas.

- 1 apio.

- 1 pore and turnip.

- Huacatay.

- Peppermint.

- Salt and pepper to taste.

- Chinese onion finely chopped.


You must have all the ingredients at hand and clean to start with the first step.

1. Take the goat's meat, wash it well and put it to soak in water and salt.

2. Then take the chicken and start cutting them for prey. Do the same with the other meats, cut them into medium pieces and season them with pepper, salt and cumin.

3. Take a large pot and cook the chopped meats. When they are golden, it will be time to remove them to give space to the rest of the ingredients.

4. When all the pieces are sealed and golden, it will be time to put all the prey together in the same pot and add water until they cover them completely. To this pot is added the bundle of huacatay and peppermint.

5. Then the lamb meat, beef breast are brought to a boil in a pot, lamb, beef breast, pork backbone, shalona, chicken, kid and charqui in the pot. Also add celery, pore and turnip and let it cook.

6. You have to let everything cook and when the meats are almost cooked, it will be time to add the chuño, along with the chickpeas. Let it continue cooking until the meats are fully cooked. When it is like this, then you should add a sprig of huacatay, a little good grass, a pinch of salt (to taste) and a pinch of pepper before serving.

Take a deep plate, serve and add each of each meat. When serving you should add the finely chopped Chinese onion as well, add chopped parsley on top.

FACT: Although this is a delicious dish, we must be very careful with the amount consumed, due to the amount of meat it has and which generates acids in our body that over the years accumulate and are harmful to health.

You can replace some of the meats with turkey meat, such as chicken or pork meat.

A great option to enjoy at Easter is the Arequipa Easter broth. Learn how to prepare it with this recipe. Video: YouTube P.A.M.

