Keiko Fujimori says his father worsened after ruling by the Inter-American Court that keeps him in prison

“I think the latest legal decisions have undoubtedly affected my father's health,” said the leader of Fuerza Popular after visiting Alberto Fujimori, who is in the Centenario Clinic.


The leader of the Popular Force, Keiko Fujimori Higuchi, considered that the health of her father, Alberto Fujimori, has worsened after the failure of the Court Inter-American Court of Human Rights (Inter-American Court H.R.) which orders the latter to remain in prison while the request for provisional measures submitted in the cases of Barrios Altos and La Cantuta is resolved. The former president's daughter visited her father at Clínica Centenario, where she is in intermediate care.

I think the latest legal decisions have undoubtedly affected my father's health. It shows how fragile he is from so many diseases he has. We, as a family, hope that he will recover and that he will be able to overcome each of these complex situations that he goes through,” he said in statements to the press.


Alberto Fujimori, who is currently serving a 25-year sentence in the Barbadillo prison for the Barrios Altos and La Cantuta massacres, was taken to the Social Security of Health (EsSalud), where they indicated that the former president was admitted to the emergency service of Hospital II Vitarte due to tachycardia at approximately 1:00 a.m. aboard an ambulance of the National Penitentiary Institute.

Fujimori was stabilized by doctors in the area of shock trauma and referred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where he remained until his transfer. Later, the doctors of the Centenario Clinic requested the referral of the former president, who continues his treatment there.

In the afternoon, Keiko Fujimori reported that her father is in intermediate care at the Centennial Clinic.

He is currently in intermediate care, he is receiving medication for the condition of hypotension and as he stabilizes, they will see the moment when he is discharged,” he said.

He has had a case of hypotension and tachycardia, his atrial fibrillation was quite severe. I thank the Ate Vitarte staff for their prompt and timely attention that at that time managed to stabilize it,” he added.

On the other hand, Fujimori Higuchi said that the team of lawyers led by César Nakazaki is evaluating the next actions they will take as part of the defense of the former president.

Keiko Fujimori says his father worsened after the Inter-American Court ruling that keeps him in prison | VIDEO: Canal N


Meanwhile, this Sunday it also became known that Iqueño lawyer Gregorio Parco presented a corrective habeas corpus in which he requested the immediate release of Alberto Fujimori. Counsel requests freedom so that he can be treated at the home of one of his relatives and “undergo surgery with the utmost urgency”.

The document details that Fujimori has been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, “at risk of cardiac arrest and, therefore, death”. He also mentions that he suffers from cancer of the tongue, tachycardia, hypertension, hemorrhagic gastritis and a lumbar hernia.

The complaint argues that article 33, paragraph 20, of the New Code of Constitutional Procedure, which states that a habeas corpus must be declared well-founded in the face of acts that threaten or violate “the right of the detainee or prisoner not to be subjected to treatment that is unreasonably and proportionate, with respect to the manner and conditions in which he fulfills the arrest warrant or sentence”.

